1. Establishing gardens and planting. When choosing grape plantations, you should choose flat and open terrain conditions. In some mountainous and hilly areas, the terrain must be modified to ensure good drainage conditions.
2. Plastic trimming. Winter pruning: usually done 2 weeks after the leaves fall. The pruning method mostly adopts the short-shoot pruning method, that is, only 2 to 3 buds of the current year's branches are left in the fruiting part, and all other branches are thinned out. The principle of pruning is to keep it as close to the trunk as possible to prevent the fruiting part from moving outward. When pruning, remove diseased branches, weak branches, overly dense branches, etc., and retain appropriately positioned and healthy branches. Summer pruning: including bud wiping, tip setting, topping, side tip processing, tendril removal and vine tying, etc.
3. Flower and fruit management. Summer black grapes grow vigorously and have good flower bud differentiation. Most of the new shoots have more than 2 inflorescences. The cultivation of high-quality and high-quality summer black grapes is generally based on 1 new shoot with only 1 inflorescence left) or 3 with weaker new shoots. The principle of leaving two inflorescences on new shoots is to thin out excess inflorescences. Thinning out inflorescences that are too small, stunted and damaged by diseases and insect pests can be done in combination with fixed branches on the shelf.
4. Fertilizer and water management. Fertilizer management: Summer black grapes are a variety that requires a large amount of fertilizer. In order to ensure high yields year after year, management should pay attention to the use of organic fertilizers in order to improve fruit quality and achieve better economic benefits.
5. Prevention and control of pests and diseases. The main diseases and insect pests that harm summer black grapes include downy mildew, white rot, canker, cob brown blight, gray mold, black pox, green bug, etc. During management, we should seize the critical period for prevention and control.