# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & ltfstream & gt
# include & ltcstdlib & gt
Use namespace std
int main()
Character file name [20];
int a[3][3]; //Store integers
CIN & gt; & gt file name;
Ifstream ifile (file name, IOs _ base:: in);
The If(ifile) // file has been successfully opened.
for(int I = 0; I<8; I++) // Read eight integers.
ifile & gt& gta[I/3][I % 3];
Cout & lt& lt "Failed to open file"<& ltendl
Exit (1);
//You can output an [i][j] here to verify whether it is read correctly.
for(int I = 0; I<8; i++)
cout & lt& lta[I/3][I % 3]& lt; & lt" ";
cout & lt& ltendl
Returns 0;