What do you think of those people around you who wear fake AJ?
No problem. Seriously, if you want to play fake Aj 1 to 3 1, it is completely acceptable, and the consumption of playing is fast, and local tyrants don't care! In addition, the real shoes now use environmentally friendly glue, and the fake shoes use ordinary shoe glue, which is more durable than environmentally friendly glue. Genuine shoes are environmentally friendly, because businesses want to change money quickly. I bought my Nike shoes at the counter. After wearing them for about a year and a half, they began to degum, and then they were repaired. After mending once, wait until it is worn out without degumming. The price of AJ series 1 to 3 1 is 1300 to 1600. A professional basketball player told me that AJ series basketball is worse than a pair of ordinary basketball shoes.