Mandibular angle plastic surgery was performed through oral approach, leaving no scar on the body surface.
There are many cases and experiences in mandibular angle plastic surgery.
Mandibular angle plastic surgery is skilled, postoperative edema is light and recovery is fast.
Different types of facial and mandibular angle plastic surgery use different osteotomy and bone grinding methods.
The long arc osteotomy of mandibular angle is accurate, which ensures the effect of improving face shape. Mandibular grinding is to reduce the face and improve the front view of the face.
Intraoral osteotomy can combine the removal of hypertrophic masseter muscle and buccal fat at the same time, which makes the effect of reducing face more obvious.
Combined osteotomy of the lower edge of mandibular angle can be done, which has a special improvement effect on the big face, long face and generous face caused by excessive mandible, making the face smaller and more delicate.