Soapy's builders are prosperous and have many sacrifices to open the door. The builders are all prosperous, and the money is full of mountains and rivers.
From the official, auspicious god is also better than the God. Ji Shen's surname is Sang and his first name is Gong Sun. He wore a sword, a white coat and a light coat, and Bi Xing was the Lord of the gods. The upper treatment is six ding, and the lower treatment is Chengshan.
After the ceremony, The Book of Rites said: "After the completion, Zong Ren entered first", and the note said: "As good as the completion". Poem Xiaoya: "The sky is over", Zhu's note: "The sky is over, and the stars are over, just like the end of a hidden rabbit". Octavia belongs to Taurus, which is shaped like a small fork and looks like the English letter Y. "Song of the West Stepping on the Sky": "Soapy's eight stars are like a small net, and the left corner is full of pearls." The bright star in the upper left corner is Alpha Taurus, the first-class star. Historical Records Biography of Tianguan says: "The end of the sky is Tianjie", which means that the sun, moon and planets often pass through here. When the moon leaves the end of the sky, it becomes a torrent. This means that when the moon passes through Soapy, the rainy season comes. Brahman Rohin! I. One of the twenty-eight residences. Located in the west or east of the outer courtyard of the tantric mandala. Also known as Chen corpse, Lu, Ni, Mu Zhe, Su, Chang, etc. According to Yao Su Jing, there are five stars in this star, and there are eight stars in our country, belonging to Brahma Praja^pati. Its image is hidden in the Datura in the fetus, with a lotus in the right hand and red beads on it. Salmon is shaped like a lotus star. There are 28 nights printed on the seal. The truth is: go back to rohini^ and beg for fork Doro (naks! Atra, she tied congratulations; Or use the 28-night spell. 【 Buddha Peacock Jing, Shetoujian Prince 28, Yao Sujing 】
In the zodiac, Soapy is a quadruped in the bull house, and this constellation is Taurus. A constellation that appears in the eastern sky in December or in the southern sky at dusk in late January. This constellation is equivalent to the first-class star in the left eye of cattle, because it emits red light and belongs to the starry sky. You can tell at a glance that there is the Pleiades cluster in the right eye of the cow, and above it is the Pleiades cluster. Bahrain Lun called it "Rain Star", and together with the Pleiades, it is the most legendary star in the Western White Tiger Star Group, and it is a place that emperors must worship. Indians regard this star as a symbol of jewelry and beauty.