There were millions of works of art plundered by the Nazis during World War II, and it is impossible to count how many are left out in the cold at present. However, only the database of "Lost Artworks" set up by the German government contains 154000 looted or lost artworks, which are described in detail, and millions of artworks with simple information are also marked.
According to statistics, as of July, 1944 and 137 railway wagons were full of cultural relics transported from western Europe to Germany, with 4 174 boxes and 20,973 pieces. There are 10890 paintings alone, most of which are masterpieces by famous artists. According to his own estimation, Goering's cultural relics collection is worth 50 million marks, including 5,000 the world famous paintings,160,000 pieces of jewelry and more than 2,400 pieces of ancient and precious furniture. This is still recorded, and there are countless people who are not on the list.