Qing Zi died, but he just cried three times. Later, Zhuangzi felt that he really wanted to swim with the Creator, and his mood was very calm. The disciples wanted to give their teacher a good burial, but Zhuangzi felt sad: at this critical moment, the disciples didn't know the difference between life and death. So he said: I take heaven and earth as coffins, the sun and the moon as pearls, the stars as pearls, and heaven and earth as everything to see me off. Is my funeral not ready yet? Disciple unconsciously shed tears and said, We are afraid that crows and eagles will eat your body. Zhuangzi said with a smile, there are crows and eagles in the sky and ants on the ground. Is it too biased to give the former food to the latter? Zhuangzi finally calmly left, very poetic.
How does Zhuangzi view life and death? Zhuangzi's attitude towards life and death is incomprehensible to ordinary people. He is not afraid of death, face it calmly. When he was dying, his disciples planned to give him a good funeral. He said, heaven and earth are my coffins, the sun, the moon and the stars are Yu Pei buried with me, and everything in the world is a gift from God. Aren't all the things that accompany me to be buried complete? His disciples were worried: they said they were afraid that eagles and crows would eat their teacher. Zhuangzi said that if heaven and earth were used as coffins, crows would eat them. Buried in the soil, it will be eaten by ants; Isn't it strange to take it out of the crow's mouth and give it to ants?
A person can face life and death calmly, which truly reflects the realm. However, it may be too rude to face the death of relatives, especially his wife who has lived with him for many years. Zhuangzi is really amazing. When his wife died, he not only stopped crying, but also sang. His friend Hui Shi didn't like it and questioned him, but he told the truth of life from birth to death. Let's take a look at what Zhuangzi recognized. Zhuangzi said, life and death are both stages in the operation of Dahua, so there is no need to panic about death and let nature take its course. Man is a form of existence of qi, and the gathering of qi is also a form of existence when man is born. If we gather, we live; if we disperse, we die (The Journey to the West).
He told Hui Shi that tracing back to the source and observing the initial beginning, he realized that birth, illness, death and illness were as normal as the changes of the four seasons, so he was not sad about his wife's death. Zhuangzi talks about carefree travel, and thinks that people can follow one's inclinations, take things as they please, pursue individual liberation and indulge themselves. The yearning for freedom has always been Zhuangzi's pursuit, and he opposes the influence of benevolence and righteousness on people's natural state.
He believes that a free heart can fly, and hopes that people can reach the realm full of charm through epiphany and live a high-level spiritual life. His yearning for this free life is also based on nature. Zhuangzi has a bright and relaxed heart because of his understanding of inaction and natural life and death. In addition, Zhuangzi thought that life and death are relative, so he even underestimated the tragedy of the world of death, thus gaining a better understanding of life.
The so-called Dang Sheng died, and Dang Sheng could not do it, and could not do it; Cause is cause, cause is right and wrong, there is, there is, right and wrong, and this is right and wrong. If there is, it will be embarrassing. This dialectical understanding of life and death, right and wrong, ability and impossibility makes Zhuangzi look at things from a higher position, thus paying more attention to publicizing the value of individual freedom and opposing the identity and unity established by the concepts of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom.
Zhuangzi told an interesting story: Li Ji was very sad when he learned that he was going to marry Jin Xiangong. She cried until she came to the palace and slept with the king, regretting her tears. Only when you become a wife can you understand her life and regret that you cried and refused to marry. Therefore, Zhuangzi believes that people who have never died do not know the world of death. Facing death calmly and understanding the true meaning of nature is wisdom.