How to deal with hypospadias of baby boy?
Studies have found that 1 in every 300 boys suffers from hypospadias, which is hereditary in the family. The more relatives there are, the greater the chance of getting sick. This is mainly due to the formation of urethra and urethral cavernous body, which makes the urethra unable to have an opening on the glans as usual, and there is healthy skin on the ventral side of urethra. What are the symptoms of children suffering from hypospadias? It is because the urethral orifice is not on the glans, and there is abnormal fibrosis tissue on the ventral side of the penis, which causes the penis to bend and cannot stand upright when erect. In severe cases, without surgical correction, they can't stand and urinate, or even have normal sexual intercourse like adults. From the appearance, there is a long foreskin on the back of penis, but there is only a thin skin on the ventral side of penis. Urine is discharged from the opening on the ventral side of the penis, and the penis is also curved. Therefore, it is very easy to find that professional plastic surgeons can make a diagnosis without other examinations. How to treat hypospadias? The trend of treatment is early surgery. The practice of plastic surgery is to have surgery at the age of six months. I hope that the operation time will not be delayed until after kindergarten, so as not to affect the child's psychology. Hypospadias plasty 150. The operation method is divided into one or two times according to the severity of the disease. It can be done at one time, and at the same time, the fibrotic tissue is removed, so that the penis is no longer bent and a new urethra is created. If it is divided into two times, the fibrotic tissue should be removed first, and then the second urethral reconstruction should be done. After the operation, some patients may have a leak in the newly created urethra, which can be repaired by surgery. In recent years, it is feasible to move the urethral orifice forward to the penis head, which meets the requirements of aesthetics. What effect can be achieved after the operation is successful? Patients with hypospadias still have normal penile cavernous erection, so after the operation is successful, their sexual life and ejaculation should be no problem in the future, and their fertility is the same as that of ordinary people. The success rate of the operation is quite high. As long as it is treated early, even though it may take several operations, it will almost succeed in the end.