2. Wedding ceremony. In the hall of Zhulou, there is a small table with two conical hats made of banana leaves on it and a cooked male hen under it. There are also gifts from the man to the woman on the table, such as clothes, skirts, silver belts, bracelets and so on. In addition, there are glutinous rice, brown sugar, bananas, salt, white lines and so on. At the beginning of the binding ceremony, the bride and groom knelt side by side at the wedding table and received the old man's blessing.
3. Banquet. After tying the thread, one chicken on the table was dedicated to the wedding ceremony and the other was shared with the boys. I wish them find their beloved girl as soon as possible and tie the thread happily. The rest of the things are placed next to the curtains of the newlyweds and can't be eaten for three days.
4. Sing. During the wedding, singing by A Dai singer Zanha is essential. Dai people often say that a wedding without Zanha is not lively and the wine is not good. When people eat and drink, they listen to the songs of praise and sing to the wonderful place, and people will burst into cheers of water, water and water.
5, the second day of marriage. At dawn the next day, the groom will return to his parents' home and his wife's home at night. On the third day, the man's parents came to the woman's house to recognize relatives with cold noodles and other things, and sent a piece of cold noodles to relatives and friends respectively. On the fifth day after marriage, the bride and groom took cold noodles to the man's house to recognize their relatives, and at the same time gave a piece of cold noodles to relatives and friends, who also gave gifts to the bride. At this point, the whole wedding is over.