In Shaoxing, every family should worship their ancestors on the winter solstice, and some even go to the ancestral temple to worship their ancestors. This is called "being the winter solstice". Generally, paper-cut clothes are made for men and women before the winter solstice, and sent to the graves of ancestors for incineration during the winter solstice, commonly known as "sending cold clothes."
After the sacrifice, relatives and friends get together to drink wine, commonly known as "winter solstice wine", which not only misses the dead, but also connects feelings. The custom in Shaoxing, Xinchang and other counties is to add mud, weed and repair the foundation on that day to break ground for this day, otherwise it may be a disaster.
Shaoxing people like to cook all the rice they want to eat in a year from winter to around, which is called "winter rice". This is because it will be "spring" in a month from the winter solstice, and family affairs will be prosperous. Everyone has to be busy preparing for ploughing, and there is no time to cook any more.
Because of the spring breeze, rice buds float, and rice grains are not as strong as in winter. Rice grains in winter can avoid being fragile and bruised, and reduce food loss.
When Shaoxing people make wine, they generally like to put it in the jar from winter to the day before, which is called "winter brewing". After brewing, the aroma is rich, and the water at this time is still winter water, so the brewed wine is easy to preserve and will not deteriorate. At this time, you can also make "dimple wine" and "honey hospitality wine" with special techniques, and give them to the elderly or as gifts for relatives and friends.
On the night of winter solstice, Shaoxing people still have the custom of "making a fire", and they spend the night wrapped in quilts, which indicates that the charcoal fire in Rosty Yi will not go out, which can indicate the prosperity of family affairs in the coming year.
1, cyclamen
Flowers from cyclamen, like flying high in t