Teru Shimada sushi
Shimada Sō ji
English is usually written.
Teru Shimada Zongzhi
Murder of the Zodiac in Tokyo (astrological killing awakens Jyutsu Satsujin Jiken (1981Toastmasters Press)? )
Revised Draft of the Murder of the Tokyo Zodiac, Jyutsu Satsujin Jiken, a teacher of Kaidi Guanyin Class (Toastmasters Press, 2008)? )
Murder in a crooked mansion (the name Ya Shi Wu Han Zai (1982 press))? )
Revised draft of the murder of a crooked house (the revised full version of the application for the crime of crooked house, Kaitei Kanzenbanna named Yashiki Nohanza (2008 Toastmasters Press, 2008)? )
Greetings from Kiyoshi Mitarai (no Aisatsu, Ito, mitarai, Kiyoshi Mitarai)? )
The strange knight (Iho Nokishi (1988 talk club press)? )
Knight Wonder Revised Edition (changed to Foreign Knight Full Edition, Kaitei Kanzenbaniho Nokishi (1997 Harashobo Publishing House)? )
"Jack the Ripper-A Centennial Solution"? One hundred years of loneliness, no kodoku (1988 Xiushe Press)? )
Dance of Ito in mitarai (Ito in mitarai, Tansu in Ito, mitarai)? )
The Man-eating Tree in the Dark Mountain (Kurayamizaka Du Haitao Kuinoki)( 1990 Toastmasters Press)? )
Crystal Pyramid (のピラミッド, Suishono Pyramid Do (1991Toastmasters Press)? )
Vertigo, Memai (1992 Toastmasters Press)? )
Atoposu (ァトポス, Atoposu (1993 Toastmasters Press)? )
The first murder in Longmen 1+2 (Longwo pavilion incident (on? ), Ryugatei Jiken(/ Ge) (1996 Xiaowenshe Press)? )
Melody of Ito, mitarai (Ito, mitarai, Ito mitarai has no melody) (short story collection, 1998 Toastmasters Press)? )
Locked Room: P (P の Chamber of Secrets, Miss PNOMIS (novella collection, 1999 Toastmasters Press)? )
The Last Supper (のディナー, Saigo Diner (collection of short stories, 1999 Harashobo Publishing House)? )
Ghost Russian battleship (ロシ?ゲ warship incident, Roshia Yu Rei Gunkan Ziken (20065438+0 Haras Hobo Press)? )
The Hollywood Certificate (ハリッド? サーティィケート, Hollywood Certificate (200 1 Kakukawa Shoten)? )
The Devil's Carnival (Makino Noda (Bungeishunju Press, 2002)? )
"Diamond shoes of Saint Nicholas" (セント? ニコラスの, ダィヤモンドの Boots, Sentoniko Asuno, Diamond Noccu Zin (Halabshobo Publishing House, 2002 )
Jack the Ripper in Kochi Prefecture, no Kirisaki Jack in Kochi Prefecture (novella collection, Harashobo Publishing House, 2003)? )
My wife's stone collection (ネジゼツキー, my wife's stone collection) (2003 Talk Club Press)? )
The dreamland from Ryugatei (1+2) (Longwo Pavilion Dreamland (on? ), Liumen Genshou (/Ge) (Xiaowenshe Press, 2004)? )
Phantom of Skyscraper (Skyscraper, Martin Luno Kincaid (Sougensha, Tokyo, 2005)? )
The drowning mermaid (the drowning mermaid, oboreru ningyo (collection of short stories 2006 haras hobo publishing house)? )
UFO Chase り, UFO Oodori (novella collection 2006 Toastmasters Press)? )
Adventures of Sato MainNurbo (in Ubo Satomi Nobouken (Kobunsha Press, 2006)? )
The last vote (Xixiang Yixiu (Harashobo Press, 2006)? )
The Fable of Ribel Tass (リベルタスの), Ribel Tass Noguwa (novella collection, Toastmasters Press, 2007)? )
Shinshin ndo, Sekai Isshyu》(shin shindo, Sekai is Shyu) (scheduled to be published by Toastmasters Press in 2009)? )
[Editor] Detective Yoshiki Hayashi Series
All the works, except the "faded" Crystal Express, "have been published by Kobunsha Press. Some works have been adapted into TV series by TBS: Yoshiki Hayashi Military History Series.
"overnight delivery of Hayabusa: 1/60-second wall" (the bed is extremely anxious "はやぶさ"1/60-second wall, shindai Tokkyu Hayabusa10. )
Izumo Legend: A Murder in 7/8 (Izumo Denso 7/8 no Satsuzin (1984))? )
Crane in the North: Two-thirds of a Murder (Yoko Kitano 7/8 no Satsujin( 1984- adapted into the third episode of TV series)? )*
"The Fading Crystal Express", Kieru Suis Ho Tokkyu (1984 Kadokawa Shoten)? )
"2/2 chance of death" (the exact chance is death, and 2/2 horns are not given (1985)? )
"blueprint of' y'" (Yの structure, Y no Kozu (1986)? )
Ashen maze (の maze, Heino Mijiu (1987- adapted into the second episode of TV series)? )
A Thousand Bells at Night (はのをらす, yoru wasen no Suzuki Nara (1988)? )
Yutai Rijin Zuojin Jiken (Ghost Murder, Yutai Rijin Zuojin Jiken (1989- adapted into TV series episode 4)? )
Kisu, Ten Wougo Kasu (whimsy, heaven moves, Kisu, Ten Wougo Kasu)? )
Black Gromo Denso no kioku (Yu Yi said Memory, Black Gromo Denso no kioku (1990)? )
Words without "ra" (ら゜ききききききききききききききき)
"Glass Shoes in Asuka" (のガラスの boots, Nogarasu Nokutsu, Asuka (1991)? )
"With the tears flowing (1, 2)" (涙れるままに (on? ), Namida Nagarerumamani (JYO/GE) (1999)? )
Portrait of Yoshiki Hayashi Takeshi (later changed to Shining Crane) and Masazo Takeno of Yoshiki Hayashi (Mitsumiya Hiroshi) (2002)? )