Dongxiang people have been living in mountainous areas with traffic jams and poverty. Since the Yuan Dynasty, they have been brutally oppressed and exploited by the reactionary ruling class. The harsh living environment has experienced Dongxiang people's national character of diligence, simplicity, enterprising, intelligence and wit. Dongxiang people's life is not rich, but they are very hospitable. Generally speaking, guests from afar should be warmly treated. When the guest enters the door, please immediately offer tea and dinner on the kang, while the host greets him politely and shows respect by not eating or drinking. Most of the dishes for the guests are avocados, hand-grabbed mutton and stewed chicken. Chicken is divided into 13 pieces according to position, and the tail is the most expensive. Only elders or the most distinguished guests can eat chicken tails. Dongxiang people are so hospitable that they have no food to cook in their own homes, and they have to cook a bowl of boiling water for their guests with their hands. Its simplicity and sincerity are really touching.