Zero weft is a point without length, width, thickness and size.
Weft is a line with only length and no width.
Two dimensions are planes with only length and width.
Three parallel lines are a cube with length, width and height.
We humans belong to three-dimensional creatures and live in three-dimensional space. Everything we can observe around us exists in three dimensions. All substances in three-dimensional space must meet the three conditions of length, width and height, just as we can't create a two-dimensional substance with only length and width and no height.
In this way, we can draw a conclusion that the lowest form of matter is three-dimensional in three-dimensional space.
Let's imagine a two-dimensional space. In two-dimensional space, all substances must have the conditions of length and width. In a two-dimensional plane composed of length and width, there can be no matter with only length and no width. At the same time, there can be no deep three-dimensional matter on this plane.
In this way, it can be concluded that the form of matter can only be two-dimensional in two-dimensional space.
Now let's imagine a latitude space. In a latitude space with only length, all matter must have only one latitude. Even if it is only a point on a straight line, there must be a length. If this substance has both length and width, it can't exist in latitude space.
It can be concluded that the form of matter can only be one-dimensional in one-dimensional space.
To sum up, we can see that the requirements of one-dimensional space and two-dimensional space for matter must be consistent with the latitude of their space. What about three-dimensional space? Is the material requirement only three latitudes, or is it at least three latitudes?
Although we live in three-dimensional space and don't know higher latitudes, it doesn't prevent us from answering this question. Everything in the universe has its own laws. If I give you a debut question: 1, 3, 5, 7, () the answer is definitely 9, so the material requirement of three-dimensional space must be three-dimensional. Matter at high latitudes cannot exist in three-dimensional space. Otherwise, it will break the law.
In the known three-dimensional space, the visual senses of all living things are two-dimensional, including us humans. Some people may argue that what we see is three-dimensional and profound. The reason for this is that our visual organs have undergone secondary processing by the brain after receiving things from the outside world. For a simple example, we can never see six sides of a carton at the same time.
The external sensory organs of three-latitude creatures are two-dimensional, and only two-dimensional cross sections of three-latitude substances can be observed. If there are two-dimensional creatures in two-dimensional space and one-dimensional creatures in one-dimensional space, how many latitudes should their external sensory organs be?
Let's imagine a two-dimensional space, a plane with only length and width. We draw two irregular points on the plane to represent two two-dimensional creatures, which are represented by A and B respectively. Because the two-dimensional plane has no height, if you look at B from the perspective of A, you will only see a straight line. Similarly, if we look at A from the perspective of B, we will only see a straight line. If A and B are wise, they may judge that they see a curve by the distance of a straight line from themselves, or they may judge that the other is an irregular circle by observing different curves from different angles.
Then there is the latitude space, which is relatively easy to understand, with only straight lines with no width. If there are creatures on this straight line, everything they observe will only be a point with zero latitude.
To sum up, we will find that the external sensory organs of three-latitude creatures are two-dimensional, the external sensory organs of two-dimensional creatures are one-latitude, and the external sensory organs of one-latitude creatures are zero-latitude. In this way, we can draw a conclusion that the external sensory organs of living things have the function of descending latitude, that is, subtracting one latitude from their own latitude. If there are four-dimensional creatures, their external sensory organs should be three-dimensional.
Weft descending part:
If we slice a three-dimensional bread into extremely thin slices, then we can observe countless different two-dimensional sections inside the bread. As long as it is a three-dimensional material, we can observe countless different two-dimensional sections inside this material by cutting it into thin slices.
It can be concluded that three-dimensional matter has countless different two-dimensional sections.
In the two-latitude space, we can also cut the two-dimensional material into countless extremely thin lines in this way, so as to observe countless different single-latitude sections inside this material.
Conclusion: Two-dimensional matter has countless different one-dimensional cross sections.
Even if it is a line with only a length and no width, we can divide it into tiny segments, thus obtaining countless different zero-latitude segments of this line.
Conclusion: One-weft matter has countless different zero-weft cross sections.
Summary: Any substance has countless sections one latitude lower than it.
Four-dimensional creatures:
If there are four-dimensional creatures in the universe, what will they look like? What conditions must be met?
For this problem, let's first imagine how four-dimensional space exists.
A latitude space can be obtained by moving the point of zero latitude left and right along the length of the first latitude. One-latitude space is a line consisting of countless zero-latitude points on the length of the first latitude.
When the line of one latitude moves back and forth across the width of the second dimension, you can get a two-dimensional plane, that is, a two-dimensional space. Two-dimensional space is a plane composed of countless lines, and there is a latitude under the width of the second dimension.
The two-dimensional plane moves up and down at the height of the third dimension, and a three-dimensional space can be obtained. Three-latitude space is a solid consisting of countless two-dimensional planes at the height of the third dimension.
From this we can infer that three-dimensional objects move in the fourth dimension, and we can get four-dimensional space.
Conclusion: Four-dimensional space is a super body composed of countless three-dimensional bodies under the action of four-dimensional force.
If there is a four-dimensional creature in the four-dimensional space, then it needs to meet the following conditions:
First: four-dimensional creatures can only exist in four-dimensional space.
Second: four-dimensional creatures must meet the conditions of length+width+height+fourth dimension. And you can observe your own universe from the above four latitudes.
Third: Four-dimensional creatures can be divided into countless different three-dimensional sections in four-dimensional space. If A is a four-dimensional creature, it can observe countless different three-latitude profiles of the same kind by cutting bread. How to understand this? If one day you suddenly upgrade to a four-dimensional creature and are treated like bread by other four-dimensional creatures, then cutting your four-dimensional creature can observe countless different three-dimensional sections inside you, that is, countless different three-dimensional you. For example, 1 year-old you, two-year-old you, three-year-old you and so on. We can understand you at different time nodes.
Third, the external sensory organs of four-dimensional creatures are three latitudes. When observing the same species, the observed three-latitude cross section is different at different angles and latitudes.
Here, I want to emphasize that a three-dimensional section is a three-dimensional body, just like a two-dimensional plane when human beings observe three-dimensional things. Three-dimensional vision can see through everything in three-dimensional matter, you can see six sides of a box at the same time from one angle, and you can also see a complete person from one angle, including his bones and internal organs. Therefore, we must not imagine the three-latitude section as a two-dimensional plane with human eyes.
To sum up, I think that the fourth latitude of the universe is time, and the four-dimensional space is a super body composed of three-dimensional cubes at different time nodes under the action of the fourth latitude and time latitude. In this hyperbody, the past, the present and the future exist at the same time. The latitude of a four-latitude creature is length+width+height+timeline. And four-dimensional creatures have the following guesses:
First: the past, present and future of four-dimensional creatures coexist.
Second: the form of four-dimensional creatures is the combination of three-dimensional creatures from birth to death, so it can be divided into countless different three-dimensional sections in the latitude of time.
Third, four-dimensional creatures can see the past, present and future, and they can observe the three-latitude profiles of the same kind of different time nodes from the latitude of time.
Fourth, the external feeling of four-dimensional creatures is three-dimensional. Four-dimensional creatures can't see the whole shape of four-dimensional matter, but only the three-dimensional sections of matter at different time nodes.
Five-latitude creatures:
If the fourth latitude of the universe is time, what will be the fifth latitude? In what form should five-latitude creatures exist?
According to the above inference of the four-dimensional space, we can infer the movement of the four-dimensional hyperbody in the fifth dimension and get the five-dimensional space, which is composed of countless four-dimensional spaces under the action of the fifth latitude.
If there are five-latitude creatures, the following conditions need to be met:
First: Five-latitude creatures can only exist in the five-latitude universe.
Second: Five-latitude creatures can be divided into countless four-dimensional segments.
Third, the vision of five-latitude creatures is four-dimensional. When observing the same species, the observed four-latitude profile is different at different angles and latitudes.
Fourthly, the morphology of five-latitude creatures must meet the conditions of length+width+height+single time axis+fifth latitude. And you can observe your own universe from the above five latitudes.
According to the above requirements, we can know that five-latitude creatures have countless four-dimensional sections. We can understand that five-dimensional creatures have countless timelines, including all the possibilities of this creature from birth to death, and there are countless different lives.
We draw a line to represent one of the countless timelines of a five-latitude creature A, and we mark this line to represent time. The starting point represents birth, and the end point represents death. On this timeline, Wuwei's A showed great talent after his birth. He could write poetry at the age of 5, became a poet at the age of 6, became a minor celebrity at the age of 65,438+00, became a full-time writer at the age of 65,438+05, got married at the age of 20, had children at the age of 22, became a grandfather at the age of 45, became famous overseas at the age of 50, became a university professor at the age of 60, and died at the age of 90. Now let's draw a branch line on this line to show his position at the age of 20, and use this branch line to show another timeline of A. His experience on this timeline before the age of 20 is unchanged, but he didn't choose to get married at the age of 20, so a completely different life appeared.
In the same way, we can draw countless branches at any time node of this timeline and countless branches at any time node of branches, thus representing all the different lives that A has produced from all the possibilities after birth. For a creature of five latitudes, all possibilities exist at the same time.
We use all the lines of different branches generated from the same starting point to express a five-latitude creature, which contains all the possibilities of the creature from birth to death.
To sum up, I think the fifth latitude of the universe is still time. We can use L time to represent the fourth latitude, L corresponds to the length of spatial latitude, and the fifth latitude is represented by W time, and W corresponds to the width of spatial latitude. The latitude of a five-latitude creature is length +Width+height +L time+w time. And five-dimensional creatures have the following conjecture:
First: all the possibilities of five-dimensional creatures exist at the same time, and the past, present and future exist at the same time.
Second: the shape of a five-latitude creature is a combination of all possibilities from birth to death, so it can be divided into countless different four-latitude segments.
Third: five-dimensional creatures can see all their possibilities, and can observe the four-latitude profiles of the same kind on different time lines from the latitude of W time.
Fourth: the external senses of five-dimensional creatures are four-dimensional. Five-dimensional creatures can't see the overall shape of five-dimensional matter, but can only see the four-dimensional cross section of matter on different time lines.
Now let's continue to observe the line that represents the five-latitude creatures with countless branches. We will find that there is a single timeline from the beginning to the end of any branch, which means that the single timeline of five-latitude creatures from birth to death is actually a complete four-dimensional creature. Five-latitude creatures are the combination of countless four-dimensional creatures with the same starting point under the action of the fifth dimension. They are like molecules that form completely new substances under the fifth dimension force.
Five-latitude universe:
Now let's imagine a five-dimensional universe. There are countless timelines in the five-dimensional universe, and all possibilities exist at the same time, and each possibility is a timeline, which can be represented by a four-dimensional universe. So we can understand that the five-latitude universe is a combination of countless four-dimensional parallel universes with the same starting point under the action of the fifth latitude.
Four-dimensional universe:
The four-dimensional universe has four latitudes, namely, length, width, height and L time. There is only one timeline in the four-dimensional universe. The four-dimensional universe has no real past or future, because all changes exist at the same time from birth to ultimate destruction.
So what if we take out the time latitude of the four-dimensional universe and restore it to a three-dimensional universe without time latitude?
Without time, everything in the four-dimensional universe will be static, and all changes in the universe will not happen.
If it stops suddenly, at which moment will it stop? Some people may say that stillness is at the moment of stillness, but all changes in the four-dimensional universe exist at the same time, and this moment is no different from that moment. And if it is still at a certain moment, will other changes suddenly disappear? So every moment should be still! Still at all time nodes in this universe!
If the four-dimensional universe has no time latitude, it will split into countless static three-latitude parallel universes in an instant. From the birth of the universe to the ultimate destruction of the universe, all time nodes will split into a single three-dimensional universe, which contains the consciousness of all creatures in the universe. These split three-latitude parallel universes contain all the information and changes of the four-dimensional universe.
Conclusion: The four-dimensional universe is a combination of countless interrelated three-dimensional parallel universes under the force of the fourth dimension L time latitude.
Similarly, if a four-dimensional creature has no time latitude, it will split into countless three-dimensional creatures in an instant. They are as motionless as statues and exist in the same three-dimensional universe as their own time nodes.
Conclusion: Four-latitude creatures are the combination of countless interrelated three-latitude substances under the action of L time latitude.
Three-dimensional universe:
The three-latitude universe mentioned here is a static space with only length, width and height. Everything here is three-dimensional, because there is no time, so everything is still.
What happens if the third latitude height of a three-latitude universe is pulled out of the universe?
Some people may think that the three-dimensional universe will collapse into a two-dimensional plane instantly by the two-dimensional foil in the three-body body but a three-latitude object has countless two-dimensional sections, and these sections exist at the same time. Which way will it collapse? The answer can only be in all directions!
Just as the four-dimensional universe is divided into countless three-dimensional parallel universes. If a three-dimensional universe is reduced by one latitude, it will split into countless two-dimensional parallel universes in an instant. Although these two-dimensional parallel universes have no thickness, each two-dimensional plane will imprint part of the information of the three-dimensional universe. These split two-dimensional parallel universes contain all the information of the three-dimensional universe.
Conclusion: The three-dimensional universe is a combination of countless interrelated two-dimensional parallel universes under the action of the third dimension.
Two-dimensional universe:
Only a two-dimensional plane with length and width. There is no matter here, only the information that makes it up.
What happens if the two-dimensional universe is reduced by one latitude?
Just as the three-dimensional universe is divided into countless two-dimensional parallel universes, it will also be divided into countless one-dimensional parallel universes. These lines with only length and no width record all the information recorded in this two-dimensional universe.
Conclusion: The two-dimensional universe is a combination of countless interrelated one-dimensional parallel universes under the action of two-dimensional forces.
One-dimensional universe:
A line with only a length and no width.
If this line is lowered by one latitude, it will split into countless zero latitude points, which have neither length nor width nor depth. But they recorded all the information recorded by this line. It's like a piece of code being split into countless characters.
To sum up, we can draw the following conclusions:
The five-latitude universe is a combination of countless interrelated four-dimensional parallel universes under the action of the fifth dimension W time.
The four-dimensional universe is the combination of countless interrelated three-dimensional parallel universes under the action of the fourth-dimensional L time latitude.
The three-latitude universe is a combination of countless interrelated two-dimensional parallel universes under the influence of the height of the third dimension.
The two-dimensional universe is a combination of countless interrelated parallel universes of one latitude under the action of the second width.
One-latitude universe is a combination of countless interrelated zero-latitude points under the action of the first latitude length.
The high-latitude universe is a combination of countless interrelated parallel universes and a lower-latitude universe under the action of higher latitudes. If the high-latitude universe is compared to a piece of iron, then the low-latitude parallel universe is like an iron atom that constitutes this piece of iron.
The low latitude space is curled up in the high latitude space, and the low latitude universe is curled up in the high latitude universe.
Latitude is a force, just like the four basic forces we know. Latitude is the structural framework of the universe and an important part of the universe.
Cosmic latitude: the first latitude l (length), the second latitude w (width), the third latitude h (height), the fourth latitude l time (length of time), the fifth latitude w time (width of time), the sixth latitude h time (height of time), the first latitude 123 is the length, width and height of space, and the fourth latitude 56.
All the information of the universe is marked on countless zero latitude points, including our basic science, all the changes of the universe, all our experiences and even our consciousness. These points carry all the information of the universe, just like words, which are edited into codes by the length of the first latitude and finally edited into everything in the universe by the width of the second latitude and the height of the third latitude. As Taoism says: Tao gives birth to one, two, three and everything. Everything in the universe has changed again under the force of the fourth and fifth latitudes. This change is not the change of matter, but the change of points that make up the information of the universe.
We are just a high-latitude form of our own low latitude.
The universe at each latitude can only accommodate the same matter as its own latitude. High-latitude matter cannot appear in the low-latitude universe, and low-latitude matter cannot appear in the high-latitude universe.
Is our universe a three-dimensional universe or a four-dimensional universe? If it's three-dimensional, why don't we rest? If it is four-dimensional, how can we live in a four-dimensional universe as three-dimensional creatures?
On this issue, I have the following guess:
First, because human beings exist in three dimensions, they can only exist in the three-dimensional universe. L Time fuses countless parallel universes of three latitudes into a four-dimensional universe, but at this moment we are only four-dimensional cross sections of ourselves. So our visual organs are two-dimensional and can only see what is happening at the moment. The four-dimensional you are a whole composed of all the present you, that is, you at all time nodes under the action of L time latitudes.
Second: the four-dimensional universe is the fusion of consciousness in the three-dimensional universe, (here, everything with growth characteristics in the universe needs consciousness,) and the four-dimensional creature is the existence of ideology. It's just that our consciousness, like our body, is divided into three-dimensional parallel universes at different time nodes.
From birth to death, the physical human body is constantly switching, from baby to child, from child to teenager, from teenager to middle age, from middle age to twilight, until we die, our physical body is constantly switching until it finally disappears into the universe. In this whole process, we can't let two bodies at different time points exist at the same time, just as we can't put ourselves together a year ago and now. But our consciousness is indeed possible! We can record what happened through consciousness and predict what may happen in the future. The human body is constantly switching from youth to old age, while our consciousness is constantly growing! So when the four-dimensional universe and the three-dimensional universe merge, will it be just our consciousness? If it is consciousness, will it be that human beings have finished their life, and eventually the body will die out, consciousness will merge, and finally they will break away from the bondage of three-dimensional body and exist in the four-dimensional universe? At this point, our soul has completed its life, so it can see its past and future, because our consciousness is divided in countless three-dimensional universes. So with the growth of age, our consciousness becomes more and more integrated, and finally becomes more and more wise!
If so, then five-dimensional life is a fusion of countless four-dimensional consciousness. When you complete your life and your consciousness is separated from the body, you become a four-dimensional life, and when you complete the fusion of consciousness in other four-dimensional parallel universes with the same starting point as you, these countless interrelated four dimensions will be reunited. No, the past and future of four-dimensional life exist at the same time, so when your consciousness is separated from your body, integration has already begun and ended.
You will eventually merge into a five-dimensional you. Your life experience in Wuwei is very rich. You have been a beggar, a doctor, the richest man, a murderer, a prisoner, a prisoner, cheated, loved, hurt, hurt, loved and hated. I have tasted all the pain in the world and felt all the love in the world.
You in five dimensions are the result of countless life trials. So the ideological realm is much higher than the four-dimensional you.
From this perspective, the meaning of life seems to be to increase the latitude, from three latitudes to four latitudes, and then from four latitudes to five latitudes, and even higher latitudes that may exist. In the whole process of rising latitude, matter is only the cornerstone, and consciousness is the foundation.
Or maybe we are just a small part of high latitude, just like quarks make up elementary particles, elementary particles make up atoms, atoms make up molecules, and molecules make up matter.
Six-latitude universe:
The six-latitude universe is a combination of countless interrelated five-latitude universes at the sixth latitude.
A six-latitude universe has countless different cross sections of five-latitude universes. So how can the five-latitude universe, which already contains all the changes, be different?
Personally, the six-latitude universe is composed of countless five-latitude universes, and their basic sciences are different from each other. The scope of basic science is too wide, including physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and so on. This difference may be different in the laws of physics, mathematics, biology, or all basic sciences.
The six-latitude universe is composed of countless basic sciences and different five-latitude universes under the force of the sixth latitude. The six-latitude universe contains all possible results produced by all possible basic sciences.
Because basic science is the root of the change of the universe, it is information composed of zero latitude points, so it is not regarded as a single latitude here. I prefer to call the sixth latitude H time, and H corresponds to the height of spatial latitude.
Perhaps, different singularity explosions have produced different basic scientific information and formed different five-latitude universes.
What is the seventh latitude? I don't know, and I can't imagine.
There must be only one universe with the highest latitude, which contains all combinations and all possible changes of all zero latitude points under latitude force. All low-latitude universes are curled up in this highest-latitude universe. All low-latitude parallel universes exist only to combine into this high-latitude universe.