1, for Alice
"To Alice", originally named "baguette Le in A minor", is an independent piano sketch created by Beethoven in 18 10. It is a commemorative work dedicated by Beethoven to Alice. This work was discovered by later generations in 1867, and was later included in Supplement No.59 of Volume 25 of the Complete Works of Beethoven.
2. The girl's prayer
A Girl's Prayer was written by Polish female pianist Badazevska (1838- 186 1) in 1856. It is a world-famous piano sketch. The structure is simple, simple, cordial and touching, although slightly sad, but extremely soft, vividly showing the good wishes of a pure girl.
3. Turkish March
This piano sketch "Turkish March" is a favorite music of the audience, which is famous for its lightness, liveliness and rhythm. This tune is smooth and beautiful, and is often played by people alone, but it is more famous than Piano Sonata in A Major.
4. Moonlight music
Moonlight is the third movement in Bergamo Suite, a piano suite composed by Debussy 1890. Because it is so beautiful, I often play solo. This is Debussy's masterpiece. Just as romain rolland praised him as a "great visionary painter", his music also sparkled with fantastic light and color.
5. Wedding March
There are two famous "Wedding March". One is the prelude to the fifth act of Mendelssohn's overture "A Midsummer Night's Dream", and the other is the mixed chorus "Wedding Chorus" at the beginning of the third act of Wagner's opera "Lohengreen", which was named "Wedding March" because it is often used as wedding music, and was later adapted into orchestra.
6. lullaby
The lullaby was written by Peter Schubert (1797~ 1828). Now this song has become a classic and a household name. This lullaby was written by Claudius at the age of 19. From the day it was written, it has been sung by mothers and singers all over the world to this day.
7. Fantasy improvisation
Chopin wrote four impromptu songs numbered 29, 36, 5 1 and 66 respectively. Among them, Fantasia in C minor (Op. 66, posthumous work, with no name at that time, named by later generations) is the most famous. It is extremely difficult, profound and imaginative to play.
8. Dream wedding
The Wedding in My Dream was tailored for Richard Clayderman by French composers and music producers Paul Seneville and Oliver Tucson. It comes from Adeline by the Water in Richard Clayderman. With a little sadness.
9. Ode to Joy
Ode to Joy, also known as Ode to Joy, was written by German poet Schiller in 1785. Beethoven composed music for this purpose, which became the main part of the fourth movement of his ninth symphony, including four independent parts, chorus and orchestra.
10 Blue Danube Waltz
Blue Danube Waltz, the most famous waltz by Austrian composer johann strauss II. Known as "the second national anthem of Austria". The annual Vienna New Year Concert will also be performed as a repertoire. The full name of this piece is Beautiful Blue Waltz on the Danube. To this day, this piece of music is still deeply loved by people all over the world.