The official system of the Western Zhou Dynasty was more complicated. Zhou Wang's assistants are a surname, a teacher, and Taibao, collectively known as the three fairs. There are three officials (government officials, government officials, local officials), four parties (princes, countries, tribes), and the Qing Dynasty.
The officials of the dynasty were: Taizai, who was in charge of the political affairs; Taizong, who was in charge of offering sacrifices to the country; Taishi and Shu Tai, who were in charge of blessing; Taishi and Taibu, who were in charge of divination. They are called Liu Qing together, and their subordinates are always called Qingshiliang. And Si Tuleideng is in charge of land and farmers, and Sikong is in charge of all kinds of work, Sima is in charge of military and political affairs, Shi Si is in charge of official titles, and Scott is in charge of punishment, which are collectively called the five senses. The court officials who serve the royal family include three officials (,Shaofu, Shaobao), Youdao, Auxiliary, Bi, as well as banquets, tailors, courtiers, temple people, internal longitudinal officials, men's Yin, firemen, navy officers, and high officials. The vassal States that Wang Ji served abroad were called Sifang, including Hou, Dian and Nan. The dynasty sometimes sent envoys to various vassal States to supervise. The vassal States set up hundreds of officials and departments in their feudal countries, imitating the royal family and becoming relatively independent regimes. There are mainly three officials, namely Stuart, Sima and Sikong, who are in charge of government affairs, justice and civil affairs.
Zhou's officials at all levels are hereditary on the basis of patriarchal clan system, and they are all generals at all levels, regardless of civil and military affairs. The local system of Zhou dynasty includes state, capital, city, wild and cheap. The capital of Zhou Wang and its vassals is Zhou, the big city of the vassal state is Du, the small town is City, and other places are called Wild or contemptible.
Sangong and Taizai
The highest official positions in the Western Zhou Dynasty were Taishi, Taifu and Taibao (three public offices), with six Qing and five senses. Because the official positions such as "three fairs" are awarded to a high-ranking vassal, and the vassal has to govern his own country when he becomes a minister of the Zhou Dynasty, the role played by the three fairs in daily political life is limited. Usually Taizai is in charge of the central power. Taizai was originally the housekeeper of the royal family. Because of the close relationship with the rulers, Taizai's position has been on the rise since Xia and Shang Dynasties, and it can be said that it reached its peak in the Western Zhou Dynasty.
In an extraordinary period, the princes held the positions of three public officials because of their powerful influence. When Zhou Chengwang was first established, he thought that lord protector should take the Duke of Zhou as his teacher and take the place of Wang Weizheng. It was not until seven years later that the Duke of Zhou regained power as king. During this period, in the name of becoming a king, the Duke of Zhou recruited soldiers from various countries several times, put down the rebellions of Guan, Cai and Wu Geng, and re-conquered the five eastern countries that rebelled because of their death, and their power actually exceeded that at that time. "Historical Records of Zhou Benji" said that "from the west of Shaanxi, it is called Princess, and from the east of Shaanxi, it is called Princess Zhou", which shows the power of the three fairs. When Cheng Wang was young, in order to protect and take care of Cheng Wang, Duke Zhou also served as Taizai, in charge of royal affairs, which was also an important reason for the rise of Taizai's power.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty were called Zhengqing and Nakazawa Tomohide, and there were one or two deputies under them, called Jieqing. After Pingdong moved to the east, the monarch (count) of the State of Zheng has always been regarded as Zheng Qing. Later, the king of Zhou seized power and fought Zheng. After that, two nobles appeared in the central government, led by You Qingshi. In the middle and late Spring and Autumn Period, the royal family gradually declined, and the central governor was the so-called Bo. The "Bo" here is not the meaning of the count, but the full-time management of the princes authorized by the Zhou Emperor. Those who hold the post of "Bo" are rulers with power and virtue and are respected by them. Qi Huangong, Jin Wengong, Song Xianggong, Qin Mugong and Chu Zhuangwang have always appeared in history, and they are called the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period. These princes, who were ordered to be called "Bo", commanded the princes in the name of the Emperor of Zhou, and managed affairs for the Emperor in the name of "Uncle" at home. The gentry inherent in the Zhou Dynasty lost the political initiative.
During the Warring States period, the royal family declined, losing the status of the central government and becoming a small local government.
Liuqing, five senses and palace officials
Six ministers and five senses are in charge of state affairs, followed by lower-level officials such as Dadu, Xiaobo, Artist, Shangshu, Taishi, Yin Bo, and Ordinary Jishi. They mainly managed the fiefs of princes and clans in the Zhou Dynasty. Uncle, manage the fief of Qing and the doctor; Artists generally refer to officials with specialized skills, such as fortune tellers, fortune tellers, wizards, engineers, etc. Baiguan refers to the junior officials who perform specific affairs in Liu Qing and the military government. Taishi, writing national history, recording the behavior of Zhou and officials, and drafting the book "Life of Zhou"; Yin Bo, CEO of Five Senses; Ordinary doctors, second doctors, are the lowest hereditary officials.
In addition to courtiers, the Emperor of Zhou also retained many officials who were responsible for the internal affairs of the royal family, such as Tiger, Dressing, Fun Horse, Left and Right Servants, Bai Si and Shu Fu. Tiger Ben, imperial army of Zhou Wang; Dress up clothes, manage the royal clothing decoration, similar to the clothes of later generations; Fun horse, managing royal chariots and horses; Silver, the head of the royal family in charge of first-class affairs; Carrying servants every day and managing various utensils used by the royal family; Baisi, a small official who performs various chores; Ordinary government, managing royal property.
Imperial court official
There are two main categories: slaughter and ministers. These officials mainly deal with the private affairs of the king, including the internal management of his private territory and crown. Slayer has a high position. In some cases, he directly deals with government affairs as the representative of the king. According to Records of Historical Records of Yin Benji, Yin was a martial artist, and "if you don't talk for three years, the state affairs will be decided". There are many kinds of ministers, some are in charge of farming, some are in charge of offering sacrifices to the court, some are in charge of offering sacrifices, some are in charge of guarding, and some are in charge of the private army of the king. The rank of ministers is also very different, some are relatives of Shang kings, some come from obedient tribes, and some even belong to slave status. However, as ministers, many slaves became outstanding ministers, such as Yi Yin in Shang Tang and Fu Shuo in Wuding. They were all promoted from slaves to prime ministers.
Foreign court officials
That is, officials who deal with state affairs with Yin as the leader, as well as divination, compilation, Asian clothing and other names. Yin was the prime minister of later generations, the most famous of which was Yi Yin. Yi Yin, name, is the official name of Yin. Zhiyi was once a "courtier of the Xin family (a slave to be married)" and was appreciated by Shang Tang. "Tang Ju was appointed as the national government". According to Records of Historical Records and Yin Benji, after Shang Tang's death, Wai Bing and Ren Zhong, who succeeded to the throne, died one after another. Yi Yin made Tai Jia, the grandson of Tang Dynasty, king. After Tai Jia ascended the throne, he violated the laws of Shang Tang and was overbearing. He was exiled to Tong (northeast of Yucheng, Henan) by Yi Yin, and Yi Yin took the place of king. Three years later, Taijia realized her mistake and regretted it. Yi Yin welcomed him back and "granted him political power". Yi Yin's son, Yi Yin, also occupies a high position. "Emperor Taizu made Yi Yi as the phase." .
Bu and Zuo were religious officials, equivalent to priests in Roman times, but their status was far less than that of Roman priests. Among them, as a high priest, Bu has great power, and his job of compiling books is equivalent to that of later generations. He is the official in charge of records. Yafu is a military attache, commanding the army, which is divided into Asia, Asia and Asia, but the difference between specific positions and grades is unknown. There are other titles for military attaché s in Shang Dynasty, such as shooting (commander in chief archer), dog (in charge of hunting in Shang Dynasty) and guarding (chief of important garrison).
Canon system in Zhou Li
The system of the Zhou Dynasty described in Zhou Li was very precise and grand, so it was questioned by later generations, who thought it was written by them. According to the Zhou Li, the organization of the central government in the Zhou Dynasty was the four seasons and six official systems of heaven and earth headed by Nakazawa Tomohide.
Celestial officials focus on
"Handsome subordinates are in charge of governing the country to assist Wang Zhiguo", and Tsuzawa's subordinate officials are called "governing officials". Including Taizai Qingyi (Taizai Qingyi is the official name, Qing is the title, the same below, only one name is the title), Xiaozhai Zhongfu II, Zaifu Xiafu IV, VIII, Sergeant XVI and Brigade Corporal XXXII. . Taizai's duty is to "take charge of the six codes of founding the country" and assist the king in governing the country. The six codes are: first, governing the code, governing the country and serving the people; Second, teach the code, secure the country, teach politics and comfort the people; Third, the ritual code, in order to make peace with the country, unify officials and reconcile the people; Fourth, the political code, to level the world, to hundreds of officials, to the whole people; Fifth, use criminal law to punish the country and punish hundreds of officials to correct the people; Sixth, the code of major events, rich countries, hundreds of officials, and people. It can be seen that Tsuzawa is actually equivalent to the position of Prime Minister. [ 1]
Stuart, a local official
"Handsome subordinates are in charge of the state religion and help the king to appease the country", and Stuart's subordinate officials are called "coaches". Including big Situ Qingyi, little Situ Zhong Doctor II, village teacher Xia Doctor IV, VIII, sergeant XVI and brigade corporal 32. Da Situ manages books and people's land. George W. Si Tuleideng manages people, land and tax affairs in Beijing and its suburbs.
Guan Chun Zongbo
"Handsome subordinates are in charge of national ceremonies to assist the king and the country", and Zongbo's subordinate officials are called "courtesy officials". Including a large number of Bo Qingyi, a small number of doctors from China, a doctor from the Fourth Division, a staff sergeant, a sergeant and a brigade corporal. A large number of literati manage the inheritance, inheritance and sacrifice of emperors and generals. Xiao Zongbo manages the affairs of the ancestral temple gods.
Shimonoseki Sima
"Shuai's subordinates are in charge of state affairs to assist Wang Ping in state affairs", and Sima's subordinates are called "political officials". Including the great Sima Qingyi, the little Sima Zhong Dafu II, the military Sima Xia Dafu IV, the imperial Sima Ba, the traveling Sima XVI and the brigade corporal 32. Sima Guan was the commander-in-chief of the Zhou Emperor's army.
Qiu Guan Sikou
"A handsome man is in charge of the state ban", and a subordinate of Scott is called a "criminal officer". Including the big scout Qingyi, the small scout TCM II, the four judges of TCM, the village sergeant VIII, the sergeant XVI and the brigade corporal XXXII. The inspector's duty is to manage prison affairs.
Master dongguan
Zhou Li has been lost.