Taicang Shaxi Litai really has Belle. Is she similar to his genuine brand wholesale counter? Or is it just the sales point of the local shoe factory?
The authentic purchasing of Pit Dad Taobao Mall! I just got cheated by a swindler and bought a genuine product in a shopping mall on Taobao! I repeatedly asked if it was genuine, and the seller said it was absolutely genuine, so you can inspect it in the mall. It's not high imitation shoes, so I took it at 202. I received it today, but it's fake when I take it out. The letters A and E on the sole are printed in black, and the letters Tata have faded. The code on the shoelace is vague and obviously larger than the genuine font. I started with the counter at Daphne Mall 199 on my foot. After wearing 1 for many years, the imprint of the sole is as clear as ever. The most embarrassing thing is that there are two sharp protrusions on the soles of your feet, so how to wear them. 202 shoes, even if you are high imitation, the quality is at least better. I just bought a pair of shoes of any brand of 202 on Taobao, and the quality can't be so bad. The so-called genuine purchasing means making a show, with poor workmanship, poor quality and high price. Decisive return! ! ! Don't be cheated! ! ! My colleague saw the genuine purchasing fake Tata shoes I bought, and decisively returned the genuine purchasing shoes she just took and canceled the order. ...