As for why it is called "Ding You", it is actually very simple. Some words have different meanings in ancient and modern times. It is not difficult to know from ancient Chinese dictionaries that "Ding" means meeting, meeting and meeting, which is far from the modern meaning, and "Worry" means "mourning", which is far from the modern meaning. Together, "Ding You" means mourning.
There were many mourning ceremonies in ancient times, which are not difficult to find in many history books. Many officials have met "Ding You" in their employment records. At that time, three years of mourning was the most basic requirement. During the mourning period, you should eat, sleep and live in front of your parents' graves. In these three years, you can't do anything lively: it's nothing like a wedding. Three years makes sense. It is said that the child needs someone to take care of it within three years after birth.
It must be your parents who take care of you. According to Confucianism, children should not forget their parents' gifts even after their parents die. Three years of mourning is the most basic etiquette. Of course, under special circumstances, some officials postponed their mourning. Mourning reflects a person's filial piety. Officials who resign from mourning will generally be reinstated after the mourning period expires, and sometimes even get promotion rewards for filial piety.