Tools/raw materials
Large origami, wooden stick, adhesive tape, scissors.
1, prepare the materials first;
2. Wrap the green paper with a stick as a pedicel;
3. Make the red paper into the shape of petals;
4. Fold the petals into a natural and realistic arc;
5. When the petals are ready, they begin to stick pedicels;
6. Stick it with green tape;
7. Glue the petals one by one;
8, pay attention to the petals from the inside out, from small to large;
9. If the petals are sticky, it's OK; The radian of petals should be properly bent.
10. Glue the contained green leaves;
1 1. Cut the leaves and stick them on the battens;
12, sorting leaves;
13, green paper is bonded with wooden strips;
14, stick the leaves on the pedicel;
15, wrapped in green paper;
The big rose is ready, hurry up!