On the day of Chaoshan folk wedding, the bride will greet relatives and friends with a red plate, 24 mahogany cups and sweet tea. After the family banquet, the bride should also worship her immediate elders with sweet tea. The elders sit in the class according to their seniority, and the bride kneels down according to their seniority, offering fragrant tea in turn.
Quality characteristics of sweet tea;
As one of the specialties of Dayao Mountain in Guangxi, sweet tea grows in a pollution-free place about 800 meters above sea level. Sweet tea is deeply loved by everyone because of its sweet taste. Sweet tea has long been detected by many authoritative organizations. The content of steviosin in sweet tea is as high as 7%. Why is sweet tea called sweet tea? To some extent, it is rich in stevia sugar!
Satisfying people who like high sweetness can also have a low calorie effect. Not only Chinese people like sweet tea, but also exported to Japan, Europe, America and the Middle East, showing the popularity of sweet tea.