With toString?
int varInt = 1; ?
string varString2 = varInt。 ToString();
Or Convert.toString ()
int varInt = 1; ?
String varString = Convert. ToString(varInt); ?
According to the above transformation, we can realize the transformation of the array:
int[] a 1 = { 9,8,7 };
String[] a2 = new string [3];
for(int I = 0; I<a 1. Length; i++)
a2[i] = a 1[i]。 ToString();
//Use this sentence under C # 3.0.
intArray = Array。 ConvertAll & ltstring, int & gt(strArray, s =>);
//Replace the above example with the following statement under 2.0.
//intArray = Array。 ConvertAll & ltstring,int & gt(strArray,delegate (string s) { return int。 Analysis; } );