After the mixing and shaping in the previous paragraph, just leave it.
5 ~ 8 meters
No scrolling will occur. When the latter section is constructed, the former section will remain uncompacted.
Part of it should be mixed with some cement and rolled together after a period of time. It should be noted that at the end of each day.
Treatment of a section of end seam.
In the final stage of cement macadam stabilized layer rolling, special attention must be paid to: when the roller is overweight,
In this case, the stable layer may be subjected to excessive stress, thus destroying the structure of the cement macadam stable layer.
When also want to avoid rolling time is too long. Excessive stress and long rolling time may make cement unstable.
The newly formed crack structure of fixed base is destroyed in the process of cement hydration, thus reducing cement macadam.
Strength of stabilizing layer.