Good shape and high efficiency, the chess shape is stretch and elastic, rich eye positions, not afraid of impact, can attack when advancing, and survive when retreating. For example, Fei, Guan, Hu, Jian. . The stupid style has low efficiency and is characterized by tight air, the so-called dignified chess shape, and incomplete eye positions. The most common ones are curved triangle, bench four, knife handle five and so on.
As for how to play a good shape, this has a lot to do with the surrounding forms and cannot be applied blindly. If you are charging up to attack the opponent, of course you should move your chess pieces thick and sharp, and have good shape, thickness, and not be afraid of impact. If you want to escape, thin chess and light chess are good chess at this time. Quickly remove the burden, the lighter the better, a big jump between the two, or even a flying elephant step is good. If you are working hard, go for chess with rich eye positions, tiger, sharp, and small flying. If it is a fierce close combat and you need to hold on to the opponent's energy, then after calculation, you can use the curved triangle and the five on the sword handle as long as necessary, even if it is ugly, because victory and practicality in Go are the first, do you understand? At this time, the foolish type is often a good move.