Femtosecond laser is characterized by very high instantaneous power, which can reach tens of billions of watts, which is 100 times more than the total power generated in the world at present. The third feature of femtosecond laser is that it can focus in a space smaller than the diameter of a hair, so the intensity of electromagnetic field is several times higher than the force of nucleus on surrounding electrons.
In the medical field, femtosecond laser can be used as ultra-precision scalpel, which has been successfully applied to ophthalmology, corneal lamellar flap in excimer laser treatment of myopia and other corneal surgery.
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Advantages of femtosecond laser surgery
In the traditional lamellar knife surgery, if the negative pressure ring is loosened during the rotation of the blade, the corneal flap will be completely ineffective, and the operation will not be performed until three months later, which brings great psychological pressure to both patients and doctors.
However, if a similar accident occurs in femtosecond laser surgery, the doctor only needs to put on the negative pressure ring again and replenish the laser immediately without interrupting the operation.
Because femtosecond laser only produces some water and bubbles to push away corneal tissue when making corneal flap, there is no damage to the tissue, and multiple operations can be performed in the same affected area, and the safety is greatly improved.