The following procedures verify the referenced results;
# Contains? " stdio.h "
int? Master ()
int? a[2][3]={ 1,2,3,4,5,6},(*p)[3],I;
p = a;
printf(" *(p+2)= % u \ n " ,*(p+2));
printf("p[2]=%u\n ",p[2]);
printf(" p[ 1]+ 1 = % u \ n ",p[ 1]+ 1);
printf("(p+ 1)+2=%u\n ",(p+ 1)+2);
Printf ("address? Are you online? p:\ n ");
For what? (I = 0; I<3; i++)? printf("p[%d]=%u,value=%d\n ",I,p[i],* p[I]);
Printf ("address? Yes? a=%u\n ",a);
System ("suspended");
Return? (0);
}p[0] is the first address of array A, pointing to the first row of the array. The array has three elements, and each integer occupies 2 bytes (address);
P[ 1] is the first address in the second row of array A, and it also has three elements. 65480-65474=6, which is the storage address of three integers.
Array A has six elements and only two rows. P[2] is already the first address after array A and does not belong to array A. ..
*(p+2)=p[2], which is the first address after array A and does not belong to array A. ×
P[2] is the first address after array A and does not belong to array A..×
P[ 1]+ 1 is the address of the second element in the second row of array A, which is a correct reference. √
(p+ 1)+2, which means p+3, even in A ×