1 Remember the spelling of the names of some countries and famous cities, and you won't spell them in the exam.
Remember the spelling of some common names, and the spelling of names that are familiar to everyone in the exam will not be issued.
For weeks and months, I suggest you write them in complete form to avoid losing points because of irregular abbreviations.
Because there are two ways to write the date, it is best to add a suffix after the date, such as the 5 th and 6 th. Otherwise, you will have two understandings when you write number 5 and number 6.
5 Learn to determine the filling type from the topic: (1) names and places (2) numbers (3) common nouns, in which numbers can be divided into three types: a time and date, b telephone number, and c common numbers (such as order number). This part usually has suggestive words, such as sender, recipient, name, address, date and time.
6 Learn to guess the possible answer from the question: the type of room _ _ _ According to common sense, we can know that it may be a single room or a double room, and for example, the payment method _ _ _ _ We can guess to fill in cash, credit, checks and so on, thus narrowing the scope of the answer.
Learn to use grammar to check whether the answer is correct. For example, you must have knowledge of foreign languages. If the language does not use plural, it is not grammatical. For example, the phone in "They can't transfer the phone" also needs to be plural.
8 verbs should be properly converted into non-predicate forms, such as: course to be changed: taking minutes (taking minutes here means "meeting minutes"! )。 Another example is responsible for sales planning.