As follows:
Phonetic symbol: [a:]
The mouth is open, the mouth is wide, the tongue is flat, The tip of the tip lightly touches the lower front teeth. It is similar to the "ah" sound in Chinese, but the mouth shape is slightly larger.
Letter appearance form: aahaa
Examples: Tag, Namenah, Bahn, Waage, Saal, Maal
Phonetic symbols: [a]
It is basically pronounced in the same way as the long sound, shorter and more powerful than [a], with the mouth opened wider and the lower jaw slightly drooped.
Letter appearance form: a
Examples: Mann, dann, Ball
Phonetic symbol: [ε:] p>
First pronounce [e], keep the tongue position unchanged, then the chin droops, and the mouth slowly opens wide, like [a:]. It can be issued [ε:]
The letter appearance form: ?h
Examples: B?r, K?me, D?ne, ?h, N?he, n ?hen
Phonetic symbol: [ε]
The mouth shape is the same as [ε:], but more tight and powerful, and the opening is slightly smaller than when [ε:]
p>Letter appearance form: ?
Example: B?lle, k?lte, k?mmen
Letter b
Phonetic symbol: [p ]
Close your lips tightly, keep your tongue flat, and send air forcefully to break through obstacles and form explosive airflow. [p] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: b
Examples: ab, Dieb, gab
Phonetic symbols: [b]
The viseme changes are basically the same as [p], but the air supply is weaker and the vocal cords vibrate. [b] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: b
Examples: baden, bitte, bad
The letter c
Phonetic symbols: [k]
The lips are slightly open, the tongue is raised toward the hard palate to form an obstruction, and strong air is supplied to clear the obstruction. [k] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: c
Examples: Computer, Café, Camping
Explanation: before the vowels a, o, u
Phonetic symbol: [ts]
When pronouncing, the [t] sound is pronounced first, the air is gently aspirated, and the [s] sound is strongly aspirated at the same time. The two sounds should be combined to form one sound
Letter appearance form: c
Example: Celsius, Cent
Explanation: before e, i< /p>
Letter d
Phonetic symbol: [t]
The lips are slightly open, and the tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper incisors, forming an obstruction and strong airflow conflict. [t] is a voiceless consonant
The letter appears in the form: ddt
Examples: Band, Land, Stadt
Explanation: when d is at the end of the word
< p>Phonetic symbol: [d]When pronouncing, the mouth shape is basically the same as [t], but the aspiration should be weaker. Vocal cords vibrate. [d] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: d
Examples: Daten, dumm, das
The letter e
Phonetic symbols: [e:]
The lips are flat, the upper and lower teeth are slightly open, the corners of the mouth are slightly tilted to both sides, and the tip of the tongue touches the lower incisors
The letters appear in the form: eeeeh
Examples: eben, beten, neben, Kaffee, Beet, Meer, gehen, sehen, dehnen
Phonetic symbol: [ε]
The tongue position is like [e:], and the chin is slightly Drooping, wider mouth opening, differential upper and lower incisors
Letter appearance: e
Examples: Geld, kennen, Ecke
Phonetic symbols: [?] p>
The lips are slightly open, the chin is slightly drooped, the tongue is flat, the tip of the tongue is touching the lower front teeth, and the exhalation is light
The letter appears in the form: e
Example: Name, Katze, Kanne
Explanation: In weak pronunciation syllables
Letter f
Phonetic symbol:
The upper incisors touch the lower lip, forming a gap for air supply , the airflow passes through the gap to form frictional pronunciation. [f] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: fffph
Examples: Faden, fein, fett, Neffe, Muffe, Affe, Phon, Photo
Letter g
Phonetic symbol: [k]
The lips are slightly open, the tongue is raised toward the hard palate to form an obstruction, and strong air is supplied to clear the obstruction. [k] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: g
Examples: Tag, mag, klug
Phonetic symbols: [g]
When pronouncing, the mouth shape is basically the same as [k], but the air aspiration should be weaker. Vocal cords vibrate.
[g] is a voiced consonant
Letter appearance form: ggg
Examples: Gabe, geben, gibt Dogge
Phonetic symbols: [?]
< p>When pronouncing, the lips and teeth are slightly open, the corners of the mouth are slightly tilted back, the tongue is raised toward the hard palate, and the tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors. The airflow passes through the gap between the tongue and the hard palate to produce a fricative sound without vibrating the vocal cords. [?] is a voiceless consonant.Letter appearance form: ig
Examples: Richtig, flei?ig, wichtig
Explanation: at the end of the syllable
Phonetic symbols: [ ?]
The letter appears in the form: g
Example: Ingenieur, Garage
Explanation: In foreign words
The letter h
Phonetic symbol: [h]
1) Open your mouth naturally, place your tongue flat, send air, and exhale the air from the mouth. [h] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: h
Examples: Haar, Hafen, hier, hei?
Explanation: at the beginning of the syllable
p>2) Examples of long vowel sounds: Stahl, war, Zahl, ihn
Letter i
Phonetic symbol: [i:]
The lips are slightly open, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower front teeth, and the corners of the mouth are pulled back as much as possible. It is similar to pronouncing the Chinese word "衣". When pronouncing "衣", the corners of the mouth should not be pulled back, and the tip of the tongue should be lightly touching the lower front teeth
The letter appears in the form: iihiieeh
Examples: Dina, Ina, Tide, ihn, ihr, ihm, die, bieten, Bier, Vieh
Phonetic symbol: [i]
The mouth is wider than when pronouncing [i:], and the chin is slightly drooped
Letter appearance form: i
Examples: bitte, dick, innen
Letter j
Phonetic symbol: [j]
The lips and teeth are slightly open, the corners of the mouth are slightly tilted back, the tongue is raised toward the hard palate, the tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors, and the airflow passes through the gap between the tongue surface and the hard palate to make a friction sound. [j] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: j
Examples: ja, Jahr, jeder
The letter k
Phonetic symbols: [k]
The lips are slightly open, the tongue is raised toward the hard palate to form an obstruction, and strong air is supplied to clear the obstruction. [k] is a voiceless consonant
The letter appears in the form: k
Examples: Kate, kunde, kommen
The letter l
Phonetic symbols: [l]
The tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper incisors, the lips are slightly open, the front of the tongue is raised, and the air is exhaled through both sides of the tongue for pronunciation, and the vocal cords vibrate
The letters appear in the form: lll< /p>
Examples: laden, lesen, Lust, Ball, Null, pelle
Letter m
Phonetic symbol: [m]
Light lips Close, the tongue surface is flat, and the vocal cords vibrate through the nasal cavity to pronounce. [m] is a voiced consonant
Letter appearance form: mmm
Examples: im, ihm, Miete, dumm, Gummi
Letter n
< p>Phonetic symbol: [n]The lips and teeth are slightly open, the front of the tongue touches the upper incisors, the soft palate droops, and the vocal cords are vibrated through the nasal cavity to pronounce. [n] is a voiced consonant
Letter appearance form: nnn
Examples: Name, nehmen, Nadel, Kinn, Kanne, dann
Letter o
Phonetic symbol: [o:]
The lips are extended forward and formed into a circle, and the tip of the tongue does not touch the lower incisors. It is similar to pronouncing "oh" in Chinese. When pronouncing the German pronunciation, please note that the lips should be rounder and the opening should be smaller
The letter appearance form: ooooh
Examples: oben, loben, Politik , Boot, Moor, Mohn, Rohr, Bohnen
Phonetic symbol: [?]
First pronounce [o:], the short sound can be made by drooping the chin slightly
Letter appearance form: o
Examples: Tonne, Dock, Optik
Phonetic symbol:
It is [e:] The labial sound is pronounced as follows: [e:] is pronounced first, and at the same time, the mouth is stretched forward until it is pronounced [o:], and the lips are tightly and forcefully pressed into a circle
The letter appears in the form: ?hoe
Examples: ?fen, L?we, b?se, fr?hlich, Goethe
Phonetic symbols: [?]
[?] is [ε ] is a labial sound.
When pronouncing: you can first pronounce the long sound [Φ:], then droop your jaw, stretch your lips forward and make a round shape, and then pronounce [?]
The letter appearance form: ?
Examples: ?ffnen, L?ffel, k?nnen
Letter p
Phonetic symbol: [p]
Close your lips tightly and keep your tongue flat, Powerfully supply air to break through obstacles and form explosive airflow. [p] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: ppp
Examples: Piep, Puck, Peter, tappen, nippen, Kippe
Letter q (u)
Phonetic symbols: [kv]
When pronouncing, pronounce [k] first, then [v]
The letter appearance form: qu
< p>Examples: quer, Qualit?t, Quantit?tExplanation: Always used with u
Letter r
Phonetic symbol: [r]
1 Tip of the tongue pronunciation: Open the lips, hang the chin slightly, lift the tip of the tongue, and vibrate naturally in the airflow. 2. Uvular pronunciation: open the lips, press the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, lift the tongue back, and tremble the uvula in the airflow
Letter appearance form: r
Examples: Rasen, reisen, Rost
Phonetic symbol: [?]
It is the weakened sound of [r]
The letter appears in the form: rer
Example: ihr, Uhr, Haar, Hafer,klappern,erz?hlen,verkaufen
Letter s
Phonetic symbol: [s]
The lips are slightly open, the upper and lower incisors are closed , the tip of the tongue touches the lower incisors, and the front of the tongue forms a gap with the upper and lower incisors. The airflow rubs through the gaps. [s] is a voiceless consonant.
The letter appears in the form: sss?
Example: das , was , bis, dass , muss , Fluss, Ma?e , Fu? , hei?en
Phonetic symbol: [z]
The pronunciation method is the same as [s], but the vocal cords need to be Vibration, [z] is a voiced consonant
Letter appearance form: s
Examples: sehr, lesen, sie
Explanation: before a vowel
Letter t
Phonetic symbol: [t]
The lips are slightly open, and the tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper incisors, forming an obstruction, causing strong airflow conflict and obstruction. [t] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: tttdtth
Examples: Tag, tut, tun, Kant, Gatte, bitte, matten, Stadt, Schmidt, Thema, Theater, Theke
Letter u
Phonetic symbol: [u:]
Put your lips as far forward as possible (more forward than when pronouncing o), pinch them into a circle, and press the tip of your tongue Press lightly against the lower incisors, leaving the upper and lower teeth slightly open. The sound is similar to the sound of "武" in Chinese, but when pronouncing "武" in Chinese, the lips are not too round, relaxed, and slightly stretched forward
The letter appears in the form: uuh
Example: du , Nu, gut, Kuh, Buhmann
Phonetic symbol: [u]
The mouth shape is larger than when pronouncing [u:], and the chin is slightly drooped
The letters appear Form: u
Examples: und, unten, Hund
The letter ü
The phonetic symbol: [y:]
is [i: ] is a labial sound, when pronounced: the tongue position is like [i:], the lips are stretched forward and rounded like [u:].
The letter appears in the form: üüh
< p>Examples: Güte, über, sü?, Süden, kühl, fühlenPhonetic symbol: [y]
It is the labial sound of [i:], pronounced first Long sound [y:], then lower your jaw to pronounce [y]
The letter appearance form: ü
Examples: gründen, dünn, fünf
Letter v
Phonetic symbol: [f]
The upper incisors touch the lower lip, forming a gap, and the air flows through the gap to form friction pronunciation. [f] is a voiceless consonant
The letter appears in the form: v
Examples: vier, Vati, Vater, vor
Explanation: In the German native language< /p>
Phonetic symbol: [v]
The viseme changes are the same as [f], but the aspiration is stronger and the vocal cords vibrate.
[v] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: v
Examples: Vage, vital, Motive, Video
Explanation: in many foreign words
Letter w
Phonetic symbol: [v]
The viseme changes are the same as [f], but the aspiration is stronger and the vocal cords vibrate. [v] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: w
Examples: wo, was, wer, wann
The letter x
Phonetic symbols: [ks]
First [k], then [s]
Letter appearance form: xchsks
Examples: Axt, Text, Marx, Achse, wachsen, Wuchs, links
The letter y
Phonetic symbol: [y:]
It is the labial sound of [i:], pronounced with tongue The position is like hair [i:], the lips are stretched forward and rounded like hair [u:]
The letter appears in the form: y
Examples: Typ, Lyrik, Typus p>
Phonetic symbol: [y]
It is the labial sound of [i:]. When pronouncing it: first pronounce the long sound [y:], then lower your jaw to pronounce [y]< /p>
Letter appearance form: y
Example: System
Phonetic symbol: [j]
The lips and teeth are slightly open, and the corners of the mouth are slightly pulled back, The tongue is raised towards the hard palate, the tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors, and the airflow passes through the gap between the tongue surface and the hard palate to produce a friction sound. [j] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: y
Examples: Yuan, Yacht, Yoga
The letter z
Phonetic symbols: [ts]
To pronounce [t] sound, aspirate lightly, and at the same time, aspirate strongly to pronounce [s] sound. The two sounds should be combined to form one sound
Letter appearance form: ztstzds
Examples: Zoo, zu, Zeit, nichts, Satz, abends
The letter au
Phonetic symbol: [ao]
Au is a compound vowel. When pronouncing it, pronounce [a] first, and then pronounce the long and short [o]. It should be pronounced tightly. Pronounce, it must be pronounced as a sound
The letter appearance form: au
Examples: Bau, kaufen, Augen
The phonetic symbol of the letter ai: [ae]
Compound vowels are pronounced as [a] first, and then [e] as the long sound and short pronunciation. When pronouncing [a], be clear and strong, and then quickly slide down to [e]
The letter appearance form: aieieyay
Examples: Mai, Maier, nein, Eis, mein, Mayer, Bayern
Letter eu
Phonetic symbol: [?]
Compound vowel. When pronouncing it, pronounce [?] first, and then pronounce the long sound [?]. The former is pronounced more strongly, and the latter is pronounced softer. Pronounced as a sound
Letter appearance form: eu?u
Examples: neu, heute, neun, B?ume, s?ubern, h?ufen
< p>Letter chPhonetic symbol: [x]
The mouth is half-open, the tip of the tongue touches the lower incisor, the tongue is raised toward the soft palate, and the airflow passes through the gap between the tongue surface and the soft palate to produce a fricative sound. The vocal cords do not vibrate, [x] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: ch
Examples: acht, doch, noch
Explanation: in a, u, ao, behind o
Phonetic symbols: [?]
When pronouncing, the lips and teeth are slightly open, the corners of the mouth are slightly tilted back, the tongue is raised toward the hard palate, the tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors, and the airflow passes through the tongue toward the The gap between the hard palate produces a fricative sound without vibrating the vocal cords. [?] is the appearance form of unvoiced consonants: ch Examples: ich, dich, mich
Phonetic symbols: [k]
The lips are slightly opened, and the tongue is raised toward the hard palate to form an obstruction , send strong air to clear the blockage. [k] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: ch
Examples: Chor, Chlor, Chrom
Phonetic symbols: [∫]
The lips are stretched forward and raised as much as possible, and the front edge of the tongue is raised upwards but does not touch the gums. The air flows through the longitudinal groove formed on the tongue surface and makes a powerful friction sound through the gap between the tongue tip and the gums without vibrating the vocal cords.
[∫] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: ch Example: Chef, Chance
Explanation: In English and Spanish loanwords
Phonetic symbol: [t ∫]
It is a compound consonant. [t] is pronounced first, followed immediately by [∫]. The first sound is lightly aspirated, and the subsequent sound is strongly aspirated.
The letters appear in the following forms: ch
Examples: Couch, Chili
Explanation: Loanwords in English and Spanish
Letter sch
Phonetic symbols: [∫]
Stretch your lips as far forward as possible and lift up the front edge of the tongue upwards, but not touching the gums. The air flows through the longitudinal groove formed on the tongue surface and makes a powerful friction sound through the gap between the tongue tip and the gums without vibrating. vocal cord. [∫] is a voiceless consonant
Letter appearance form: schs (p) s (t)
Examples: schade, scharf, Schein, Sport, Spiel, Spiegel, Student, Stadt, Staat
Explanation: sp, st are located at the beginning of the word or after the prefix
Letter: tsch
Phonetic symbol: [t∫]
Yes For compound consonants, [t] is pronounced first, followed immediately by [∫]. The preceding sound is lightly aspirated, and the following sound is strongly aspirated
The letter appears in the form: tsch
Example: Deutsch, Kutsche
Letter ng
Phonetic symbol: [?]
The mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors, and the surface of the tongue is raised against the hard palate to form an obstruction. The soft palate droops, and air flows through the nasal cavity, vibrating the vocal cords at the same time.
[?] is a voiced consonant
The letter appears in the form: ng
Examples: Leitung, jung, Ordnung
The letter nk
Phonetic symbols: [?k]
It is a compound consonant, pronounced [?] first, then [k]
The letter appears in the form: nk
Examples: Dank, danke , links
The letter pf
Phonetic symbol: [pf]
First pronounce [p], the air should be light, then [f], the air should be heavier< /p>
Letter appearance form: pf
Examples: Pferd, pflegen, Kopf