Under the guidance of his mother Zanger, Wang Miao married a commoner named Wangsun Jin and gave birth to a daughter named Jin Su. Later, Zange asked a fortune teller to tell fortune for himself and his children. When the fortune-teller saw Wang Miao, he said that Wang Miao was a golden phase and was destined to have a son of heaven. After hearing this, Zange immediately divorced his daughters Wang Miao and Wangsun Jin. Wangsun Jin doesn't want to divorce Wang Miao.
Qi met Wang Hao and was attracted by Wang Hao's beauty and demeanor. Although Wang Hao is a commoner, she has noble blood. After the mother's son was a noble family, although he married a commoner, he gave his daughter a charming face and noble temperament. Shortly after the princess entered the palace, she was favored by Emperor Han Jing and was crowned as a beauty. She gave birth to three daughters to Emperor Han Jingdi.
Wang Hao was named a beautiful wife by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty because she gave birth to her son Liu Che. Liu Che was smart since childhood and was deeply loved by Han Jing. Liu Rong, the eldest son, was named Prince, and Liu Che was named King of Jiaodong.
Liu Pu wants to marry her daughter to her son Rong. Li Ji was dissatisfied that Guan Tao, princess royal and Liu Pu often sent beauties to his younger brother Han Jingdi, and resolutely refused princess royal's proposal to Guan Tao, which made Guan Tao, princess royal and Liu Pu very angry. She married her daughter Chen Ajiao to Liu Che, the king of Jiaodong, and spoke ill of Li Ji in front of her younger brother Han Jingdi, saying that Li Ji often cursed other ladies-in-waiting and princes behind her back.