King Charles III is ready to fight to the death. The army led by Henry, Earl of Richmond is rushing towards him. This battle will decide who rules Britain.
The day of the battle In the morning, Charles sent a groom to prepare his favorite war horse. "Hurry up and shoe it," the groom said to the blacksmith. "The king hopes to ride it to lead the battle." "You have to wait," the blacksmith replied, " I shoed all the horses in the king's army a few days ago, and now I have to get some iron pieces." "I can't wait any longer." The groom shouted impatiently, "The king's enemies are advancing, and we must be on the battlefield. Go up to meet the enemy soldiers, use whatever you have."
The blacksmith worked hard and took four horseshoes from an iron bar, flattened them, shaped them, and fixed them on the horseshoes. Then he started driving nails. After driving three palms, he found that there were no nails to hammer the fourth palm. "I need one or two nails," he said, "it will take some time to hammer out two." "I need one or two nails." "I told you I can't wait," the groom said eagerly, "I heard the bugle, can you do it?" "I can nail the horseshoe, but it's not as strong as the others." "Can you hang it?" "The groom asked. "It should be possible," the blacksmith replied, "but I'm not sure." "Well, that's it," the groom shouted, "hurry up, or the king will blame us." p>
The two armies met, and King Charles charged into battle, urging his soldiers to fight the enemy. "Charge, charge!" he shouted, leading his troops to charge towards the enemy. In the distance, he saw his own body on the other side of the battlefield. Several soldiers retreated. If others saw them like this, they would retreat as well, so Charlie rushed towards the gap with a whip and called on the soldiers to turn around and fight.
He hadn't even reached half way, when a The horse's shoe fell off, the horse fell to the ground, and Charlie was also knocked to the ground.
The frightened horse jumped up and ran away before the king could grab the reins. Charlie looked around, his soldiers They turned around and retreated, and the enemy troops surrounded them.
He waved his sword in the air, "Horse!" he shouted, "One horse, my country fell because of this horse." < /p>
He had no horses to ride, his army had fallen apart, and the soldiers had no time to fend for themselves. After a while, the enemy captured Charles and the battle was over.
All the losses were due to the loss of one man. Horse nails.
From that time on, people did not say:
If a nail is missing, a horseshoe is missing.
If a horseshoe is missing, a horseshoe is missing. Lost a war horse,
Lost a war horse, lost a battle,
Lost a battle, lost a country,
Everything The losses were all due to a missing horseshoe nail.