2. Grind with a 30, 100 mesh and 300 mesh resin disc grinder (wet grinding with water). Grinding for 3-5 times respectively according to the grinding conditions. The ground should be as flat as possible. The flatter the ground, the better the effect.
3. After the ground is dry, spray Nalute polycarbosilicate concrete sealing curing agent on the ground and push it evenly with dust to ensure that the ground absorbs materials as consistently as possible.
4. After the ground is dry, add water to wet grind the ground, and grind it with 300, 500 and 1000 mesh respectively.
5. Roll-coat Nalute polycarbosilicate concrete sealing curing agent on the ground and dry it.
6. Dry-polish the ground with No.3 animal hair pad high-speed polisher. (If there is no high-speed polisher, you can dry polish with 3M black pad. ).