P=CBool(X)' Convert x to Boolean type.
P=CByte(X)' Converts x to "byte" type.
P=CCur(X)' Convert x to currency type.
P=CDate(X)' Convert x to "date" type.
P=CDbl(X)' Convert x to "Double" type.
P=CInt(X)' Converts x to "integer" type.
P=CLng(X)' Convert x to "Long" type.
P=CSng(X)' Convert x to "Single" type.
P=CStr(X)' Convert x to "string" type.
P=Cvar(X)' Convert x to variable type.
P=CVErr(X)' converts x into an error value.
(1). CSTR (13)+CSTR (23)' is converted into a string, and then connected with "+". The result is 1323.
(2).CInt(" 12")+ 12' string is converted into an integer, and 12 is added, and the result is 24.
(3).P=CInt(True)' The output result is-1.
When converting a Boolean value into a numerical value, it should be noted that a Boolean value has only a true value and a false value, where the true value is-1 in memory and the false value is stored as 0.
(4).CBool(-0.00 1)' output result is true.
When converting a numeric value to a Boolean value, a numeric value equal to 0 will be False, and a numeric value not equal to 0 will be True.
2.Int(X), Fix(X): take the integer value of x.
P=Int(X)' take
P=Fix(X)' Take the integer part of x and remove the decimal directly.
(1) Int(-54.6) "the result is -55, take
(2) Fix(54.6)' The result is 54. Take an integer and remove the decimal directly.