You just haven't commented on your space yet, so don't worry. You can remove the code of the latest comment #m_comment first, and then check it when there is a comment.
Or give you an example of the latest comment module code. When quoting, pay attention to changing the CSS color code to match the main color of the template:
/* Latest comments */
# m _ comment div . item { color:# 666666; This is a sub-item.
# m _ comment div . item a { color:# 4 aaac 3; font-size: 12px; Font thickness: bold; Font series: Georgia; Text-decoration:none} This is the font format of the comment publisher.
#m_comment div.item a: visited {color: # 4aaaac3; Text-decoration:none} Font format of visited hyperlinks displayed when reading comments.
# m _ comment div . item a:hover { color:# 4 aaac 3; Text decoration: underline; } The font format of visited hyperlinks displayed when comments are unread.
The above description is mainly aimed at the benchmark template flashstyle-nana (/msy0613/modify/preview/194f58a3f6b53d439c4c4.css), and so are other templates. I hope it helps you.