Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Plastic surgery and beauty - Method of converting sine wave into square wave (measuring sine wave of 1Hz~3MHz with single chip microcomputer)
Method of converting sine wave into square wave (measuring sine wave of 1Hz~3MHz with single chip microcomputer)
I'll give you a circuit, the signal shaping circuit I just drew for you, and then output it to T0 of single chip microcomputer for counting, and then give you a digital frequency meter program, AVR's.

# Contains? & ltIOM 16v . h & gt;

# Contains? & ltmacros.h & gt

# Definition? Ucal? Not signed? tea

# Definition? uint? Not signed? Internationalorganizations (same as international organizations)

Ucal? led_7[ 10]={0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F };

Ucal? position[8]={0x7f,0xbf,0xdf,0xef,0xf7,0xfb,0xfd,0x Fe };

Ucal? dis _ buff[8]; //? The display buffer is used for storing the segment code value of 8 characters to be displayed.

Ucal? Hypothesis;

Ucal? time_ 1ms_ok,display _ ok = 0;

Ucal? time0_old,time0_new,freq _ time

uint? freq

Invalid? Show (void)//? Dynamic scanning function of 8-bit LED digital tube


PORTA? =? 0xff

PORTC? =? led _ 7[dis _ buff[posit]];

What if? (posit==5)?

PORTC? =? PORTC? |? 0x80?

PORTA? =? Location; ?

What if? (++posit? & gt=8? )?

Hypothetically? =? 0;


//? Timer? 2? Output? Compare? Interrupt? Service? routine

#pragma? Interrupt handler? Timer2 _ ISR: 4

Invalid? Timer2 _ ISR (invalid)


time0_new? =? TCNT0? //? 1ms records the current count value of T/C0.

time_ 1ms_ok? =? 1;

Show _ok? =? ~ display _ ok

What if? (display normal)

Display ();


Invalid? freq_to_disbuff(void)//? Convert the frequency value into BCD code and send it to the display buffer.


Ucal? I,j = 7;

For what? (I = 0; I < = 4; i++)


dis_buff[j-i]? =? freq? %? 10;

freq? =? freq? /? 10;


dis_buff[2]? =? freq


Invalid? Major (invalid)


Not signed? Charles? Me;

DDRA = 0x ff; ? //? LED digital tube drive

DDRC = 0x ff;

//? T/C0 initialization, external counting mode

TCCR0 = 0x06? //? External T0 pin falling edge trigger count, normal mode

TCNT0 = 0x00

OCR0 = 0x00

//? T/C2 initialization

TCCR2 = 0x0B? //? Internal clock, frequency division of 32 (4M/32= 125KHz), CTC mode.

TCNT2 = 0x00

OCR2 = 0x7C? //? OCR2? =? 0x7C( 124), (124+1)125 =1millisecond.

TIMSK = 0x80//? Allow T/C2 comparison matching interrupt

For what? (I = 0; I < = 7; i++)? dis_buff[i]? =? 0;

Time 0 _ Old? =? 0;

ASM(“sei”); ? //? Open global interrupt

What time? ( 1)


What if? (time _ 1 ms _ok)

{? //? Cumulative T/C0 count value

What if? (time0_new? & gt=? time0_old)? freq? =? freq? +? (time0_new? -? time 0 _ old);

Or what? freq? =? freq? +? (256? -? Time 0 _ Old? +? time 0 _ new);

Time 0 _ Old? =? time0 _ new

What if? (++freq_time? & gt=? 100)


freq_time? =? 0; ? //? 100 ms to,

freq _ to _ disbuff(); //? Send pulse count value display in100 ms.

freq? =? 0;


time_ 1ms_ok? =? 0;


