In the current plastic surgery industry and consumers' ideas, the most important thing is often the plastic surgery technology or means. In Lin Yin's view, the aesthetics of doctors and beauty seekers is a more important element, because aesthetics will interfere with the design stage of plastic surgery. For example, Lin Yin said, "There was once a beauty seeker who looked like a replica of Rosamund Kwan, but his perfect nose made people feel uncomfortable. Moreover, she has had five or six operations on her nose, and the results are getting more and more dissatisfied. I said, this is because the repetitive operation lacks design. This nose is isolated from the whole face and is the product of formatting. Later, I just made a little adjustment to her, and that nose suddenly merged into her personal temperament. This is the power of design. "
Lin Yin said that only by thoroughly grasping the aesthetic law and understanding the role of psychology in the whole process of clients seeking beauty can cosmetic doctors quickly perceive the needs and psychological expectations of beauty seekers.
"In addition, what is the relationship between cosmetic surgeons and beauty seekers? In my opinion, under the premise of information asymmetry, doctors are the dominant and creators, while beauty seekers are passive consumers and creators. But we must have a clear understanding that doctors are not the owners of their own' works', and the exhibitors of plastic surgery effects are always consumers. They are suffering from shocks, whether good or bad. " Lin Yin said, therefore, a good doctor must master the scientific laws of psychology in order to achieve good aesthetic communication with beauty seekers.
On the implementation of plastic surgery: gradually fine-tune the trajectory of respecting body image changes
"I oppose excessive plastic surgery that seriously changes my personal image and advocate multiple and gradual physical improvements." Lin Yin said that every social person has his own body image formed in the eyes of friends, relatives and other outsiders over the years. The change of body image often leads to the reconstruction of personality. "For example, doing plastic surgery for celebrity stars,
Lin Yin advocates transforming negative body image into positive body image through minor improvement. "People's faces have both positive and negative body images, so you are confident and your happiness index has improved. This is a positive body image; As you get older, you get feedback from others that you are aging, so you are confused and anxious. This is a negative image. " Lin Yin said, "A good doctor will find the former appearance for the guest according to the trajectory of the guest's body image change, and improve his body image without changing." Once faced with a plastic-addicted consumer, Lin Yin's view was this: "We must never blindly cater to the unrealistic' self-harmony' psychology. For everyone, there is a' realistic' me and an' ideal' me, and the' ideal me' is always ideal. You should let consumers know that plastic surgery should have correct psychological expectations. "
About cosmetic culture: cosmetic surgery is a luxury consumption.
What is luxury consumption? That is to say, your consumption behavior is not a necessity of life, but a higher-level pursuit of quality of life. Lin Yin believes that plastic surgery is a luxury cultural consumption.
Lin Yin said that this actually reflects a positive attitude and lifestyle of modern people after their material life has been greatly improved.
About the perfect woman
The perfect China woman is a typical oriental woman, who should have the temperament of a traditional China woman in character and appearance. Implicit and introverted are essential qualities. The most important thing is to have personality, and so is plastic surgery. We can't make everyone a standard. Be sure to do appropriate surgery according to the operator's personality characteristics. Only in this way can the patient and the people around him accept and recognize his new changes in a short time.
About trustworthy plastic surgeons.
Three conditions must be met: professional qualification, strong aesthetics and understanding of psychology. Of these three conditions, the first condition can be solved by a professional doctor in a professional hospital, while the second and third conditions are not so easy to meet. In Lin Yin's view, plastic surgery is a "living sculpture" and "a process of artistic creation". And a strong aesthetic can't be practiced overnight, and it must be cultivated for a long time. At the same time, knowing psychology can communicate well with patients and achieve satisfactory results. Faced with a large number of South Koreans going to China for beauty treatment, Lin Yin pointed out that this is a misunderstanding. Although South Korea has a low cost performance, it is difficult to communicate well because of the language barrier.