Simply put, acne is excessive oil secretion, which leads to pore blockage, bacterial reproduction and hair follicle inflammation.
Autologous secretion factors, many sebaceous glands, improper personal care, and genetic factors are more likely to secrete too much oil. For people with acne, because of the stimulation of skin inflammation, the skin repeatedly gets acne, and the worse the skin immunity, it will be a vicious circle.
4. External factors of recurrent acne
Many friends will find that the anti-acne drugs and methods mentioned in the previous article are different. Yes, this is the one-on-one precise skin care I advocate, because no medicine or method can suit all friends with acne.
Drugs that can be used externally, such as tretinoin, such as adapalene gel, etc. Benzoyl peroxide gel; Antibiotics such as clindamycin and fusidic acid; Selenium disulfide emulsion can be used to clean skin.
Medical skin care products contain anti-acne ingredients, such as salicylic acid, azelaic acid and aloe vera gel.