When Dayong and Dayong were hunting, Gong and Dayong, who happened to be in distress in the mountains, lived together day and night and fell in love with them, but he deeply felt that he didn't deserve to smoke and never dared to confess to smoking. Is the daughter of court officials' palace, and was engaged to officials under her father. Zhang Yang was very upset about his fiancee and Dayong that night. She couldn't stand the gossip. She regretted getting married the most and left her heart to kill Dayong. However, due to the great gap with Ru Yan, Dayong had to marry Jinling, who was kind and virtuous and a childhood friend. The Qing court built a fort in Lushun, and the Qing court sent Zhang Yang to supervise it. Yong knew that Yong dared to do this and wanted to kill them. Yong escaped in the autumn night and jumped into the sea to escape. After being rescued by the imperial court, he was reused, while Xiao Yong was rescued by the Japanese and became a tool of Japanese aggression against China.
Since then, the two brothers have become enemies from relatives. ...
Type: TV series
Region: China
Producer: Zhu Hongwei Sun Huiyong and Cao Dai.
Chief Producers: Dong Changhai, Li and Ma Shishun
Chief planner: Xin Mincheng
Producers: Sun Huibin and Feng Yiting.
Cast: Lv Liangwei plays Yuan Dayong.
Fu Yiwei plays the role of Palace.
Guan plays Yuan.
Yao Gang plays Zhang Yang.
Yan Qingshu plays Yuan's wife.
Bagen Hasi plays Yuan Tiejiang.
Huang Hui plays Cong Jinling.
Julian plays Xu Bangdao.
Guo plays.
Qingxiang Li plays Tetsuya Xiangshan.
Liu Jianhui plays Wang Sanmei.
By playing Gong.
Zhang Wei plays Liu Xintian.
Xia Xing plays your son.
Meng plays Guan Hanhua.
Lin Tao plays the pirate head.
Feng Susu plays Jinling (as a child).
Wei Lai plays Dayong.
Liu plays Zhao Huaiye.