Except for char, other integer ranges are relative, just make sure that the width of the latter is not lower than the former (possibly equal). In different years, the development of computer hardware is different, and the capacity of internal memory and external memory is also different. Mainstream compilers will design the actual width of each data type in consideration of computer hardware.
In any case, the char type accounts for 1 byte, while the length of the int type is the same as the word length of the environment. In the environment of 16 bit, it accounts for 16 bit, 2 bytes; 4 bytes in a 32-bit environment.
Extended data
In C language, you can use the sizeof operator to get the number of bytes of memory occupied by a data type or variable. The sample code is as follows:
# Contains? int? Master ()
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n ",? sizeof(int),? sizeof(short),? sizeof(long));
Return? 0;