Although face-lifting needle has many advantages, the side effects of face-lifting needle exist, and the most common one is asymmetry on both sides. Face-lifting injection is simple, but it can be injected at will. Small beauty salons think it is enough to find the right time. In fact, everyone has different injection points and different doses. These all need the accurate analysis of senior experts. Under normal circumstances, after injection of botulinum toxin face-lifting needle, local adverse reactions include myasthenia gravis and dysphagia in a short time. These clinical manifestations are closely related to the injection site and the dose of botulinum toxin, so you must come to a professional plastic surgery hospital to inject face-lifting when using the method of face-lifting injection. Patients with obvious reaction after face-lifting needle injection will have local swelling, which is a normal phenomenon of face-lifting needle botulinum toxin injection and will disappear after one day. Face-lifting needle has few side effects. Patients who receive face-lifting needle injection regularly and receive face-lifting needle care under the guidance of professional experts will generally not have adverse reactions of face-lifting needle side effects.
You can also go to Ruili, Harbin to find a professional hospital, and the effect is good.