The lower 52 digits are the base number, and all of them are filled in here as 1.
1 1 bit is the index, and the 1 1 bit index can represent-1024~ 1023, which specifies that all bits are added with 1023, so the index here is filled with 2046 bits.
Most significant bit is a symbol, and 0 means+.
The test code is as follows:
# Contains? & ltstdio.h & gt? //For? Print function
# Contains? & ltstring.h & gt// For? memcpy
# Definition? MAX_BASE? (0xfffffffffffffLL)? //52? Bit? basis
# Definition? MAX_POW? (2046LL? & lt& lt? 52) // 12? Bit? Pow (base? *? 2^pow)
# Definition? SIGN_BIT? (0x 1LL? & lt& lt? 63)
Invalid? PrintBits (long? Dragon? ll)
Dragon? Dragon? Mask? =? 1;
for(int? i=sizeof(long? Dragon) *? 8? -? 1; ? I & gt=0; ? I-)
printf("% 1d ",(ll? & amp? Mask? & lt& lt? Me)? 1:? 0);
printf(" \ n ");
int? Master ()
Dragon? Dragon? ll? =? 0;
ll? |=? MAX _ POW
ll? |=? MAX _ BASE
print bits(ll);
Double? d;
memcpy(& amp; d,? & ampll,? sizeof(ll));
printf("Max? Double? Is:? %e\n ",d);
ll? |=? SIGN _ BIT
memcpy(& amp; d,? & ampll,? sizeof(ll));
printf("Min? Double? Is:? %e\n ",d);
Return? 0;