Some Chu people sold their pearls to Zheng, which were Mulan's cabinets, decorated with cinnamon, pearls and jade, decorated with roses, and decorated with feather clothes and jade. Zheng Guoren bought the jewelry box and returned the pearls. This can be said to be a best seller, but it is not a good pearl.
Buying bamboo slips and returning pearls comes from "Han Feizi, the foreign reserve says left"
1, people's eyes only stare at the beautiful box, but they lose the really valuable orb. It can be seen that everything must have priorities, otherwise it will be like the Zheng people who "buy gifts and return pearls" to make stupid things such as giving up the basics and making improper choices.
2. Businessmen pay too much attention to appearance, so that the value of decorative appearance is higher than that of beads. It can be used to describe that some manufacturers over-decorate their appearance in order to gain benefits, making the value of appearance higher than the value of goods, thus raising the price of goods a lot.
Modernity is also used to describe how to spend a lot of capital to get less return, and a seller of rafters gets a "pearl" with a "rafter".
4. describe people as short-sighted and improper in choice.
Beauty can be created, but the real beauty should not be artificially carved. It should be a flower blooming on real fertile soil! ! If something is really beautiful, then it doesn't need any outside help to set it off.
6, don't care too much about appearance, the essence is the most important.