Necklace: Hardened kryptonite necklace (for jewelry, a little monster painted on the high ground of the Sun Well)
End Chain (Sunwell Heights, Brutallus)
Cloak: Cloak of Original Sin (Sunwell Heights, Kiel Jia Dan)
Ring: Disaster Ring (Sunwell Heights, The Eredar twins)
Fierce attack sounded (dark temple, blood boiling)
Jewelry: tsunami amulet (viper temple, blind Leothoras)
The madness of the betrayer (Temple of Darkness, Parliament of Illidari)
Necklace: Hardened kryptonite necklace (for jewelry, a little monster painted on the high ground of the Sun Well)
End Chain (Sunwell Heights, Brutallus)
Cloak: Cloak of Original Sin (Sunwell Heights, Kiel Jia Dan)
Ring: Disaster Ring (Sunwell Heights, The Eredar twins)
Fierce attack sounded (dark temple, blood boiling)
Decorations: gloomy Lu Na slices (Sunwell Heights, Muru)
Shame clips (hero mode tutor platform, priestess Delia)
Gruer's Nest (gruer) is specially for the people of Kilgardan.
Prevention of war:
Necklace: Abyss Lord Necklace (Sunwell Heights, Brutallus)
Cloak: Bloody Pearl Cloak (Sunwell Heights, The Eredar twins)
Ring: A ring of firm determination (Sunwell Heights, Muru)
Ring of the Lord of the Abyss (Dark Temple, Su Prem)
Jewelry: the emblem of the shadow moon (dark temple, blood boiling)
Kael'thas's praise (hero mode magic tutor platform, priestess Delia)