The advantage of this is that there is no extra money to spend, and you can effectively control your desire to buy. When you control it, you can get your salary back. It should be noted that don't spend any more money on it.
Shopping is a very happy thing. Shopping is shopping. Simply put, it is the behavior or way people buy all kinds of goods, including physical and virtual goods.
For many people, shopping is a leisure activity, and you can go to different stores to buy products. At the same time, the so-called "window shopping" appeared, which means that browsing the goods in the shop window may not actually be purchased.
But for some people, shopping can be troublesome. For example, the products bought are wrong, and even they need to be returned after being cheated, and some people are addicted to shopping, so-called shopaholics. Uncontrolled shopping by these shoppers may lead to personal and social problems.