Bae inspired Korean men.
Bahachunnan Persia
Bangana people are equal, Swahili people
Baird musician; Folk singer; Poet male Scotland
Scottish boy
Hungarian men's champion
Bacari promises Swahili for men.
Balawen powerful, powerful male India
Bald, god of light, male Sweden.
Baldwin's bold friend, male Germany
Family man of Bale Mutima tribe in Uganda
Bali, a powerful warrior, male India.
Latin, a strong and healthy male in balint
Balram, source of strength, male Indian.
Bain's long-awaited child, male Hawaii
No Gaelic for Blonde Boys
Balaam, another name for the brightest star in Taurus, male Latin.
Barkley birch grassland men's old English
Bardo, son of the earth, Danish male.
Baldon barley valley male Anglo-Saxon.
Balende Xiong Nan German
The son of Barna comforted the male Aramaic.
Barnabas predicted the son of male Hebrew.
Son of barnaby's prophecy, male Hebrew.
Barnett aristocratic men and men's old English
Barons, nobles, men, men, old English
Barrett is as manly as a bear.
Barry spear thrower; A man with beautiful hair in France
Barton comes from barley farm.
Baruch blesses male Hebrew.
Basil Royal, brave male Greece
Dear male Greece
Bavor Fengnan English
Bay red-brown male English
Bayanai hero male Philippines
Bayard brown-haired male ancient French
Bardsley kingship male Polish.
Handsome guy, French handsome guy
Beaumont comes from the beautiful mountain man France.
Bede prayed for old English for men.
Belden comes from a beautiful valley, Teutonic.
Belem arrow male Greece
Bellamy's handsome friend, male Gufa
Bem Peace male Nigeria
Bemus platform male Greece
Hungarian Ben Ci Prize winner
Benedict Happy Male Latin
Benito's Happy Male Latin
Benson's excellent son, a male Englishman,
Bentley comes from the wilderness, male old English.
Benton Wilderness Resident Male Old English
Bellenger bear, brave male French.
Bergen Mountain resident Male Germany
Bergren Mountain Creek Male Sweden
Honorary man of Hungary
Burke's strong male turkey
Berkeley is a male Anglo-Saxon from birch grassland.
Bernard is as bold as a bear, male Germany.
Burt Smart, a Teutonic male.
Berthold, the glorious ruler.
Beryl dazzling jewelry male Hebrew
Berval likes male English.
Bevis Archer is a Teutonic male.
Bhrigu, the God of the Lord of all things, male Indian.
Budev, God of the earth, male Indian.
Bob is very clever and is famous for his old men's English.
Bod branch male Hungary
Boden messenger, pioneer male ancient French
Bao Jiaqiang is as strong as a bow, and he is a hero in France.
God's gift to male Slavs in Bogdan.
Boone, an excellent Latin male
Bushhouse Male Old English
Boden owner grassland; Old English of the men in the farmhouse
Boris fights, fighting male Russia.
Boswell's wooded town, men's ancient French.
Botolf Messenger Wolf Man Old English
Botond, a soldier with a hammer, male Hungary.
Bowen Owen's son; Yellow-haired male Gail
Bowie, the yellow-haired male Gail
Bowman shooter male Englishman
Boyce Woodland, French male
Boyd blond male Celtic
Boyden emissary male Anglo-Saxon
Braden comes from a wide valley.
Male Old English at the intersection of Bradford and Guan Kuo
Bradley's vast grassland male ancient English
Brannens, a brave man, male.
Brand Jianfeng male Sweden
Brandon is like a mountain of fire; Jiannan ancient English
Blanco's glorious defender, Slovenian male.
Brent burned the Teutonic men to death.
Braden is brave; Open Old English for Men
Braz stuttering male male Latin.
Brazil is a brave and powerful man in the conflict, a male Celtic.
Brunsis wears the laurel of the moon in male Latin.
Brennan shed tears; Male Celtic prince
Brent's Flame Mountain; The steep mountain man's ancient English
Bourne Creek Male Old English
Burr young male Sweden
Burt fortress male ancient English
Burton's famous male English