Changes of suffix letters
Usually add-bird-bird, shop-shop, lake-lake.
-ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z ends with -es.
Church-church, dish-dish, class-class, box-box.
The consonant letter +y is changed to -y is -i and then -es is added.
Factories, factories, flies, families, babies.
Add -es at the end of-o.
Tomato tomato, hero
The end of -f or -fe is changed to -v, and -es is added.
Leaf-leaf, thief-thief, shelf-shelf, knife-knife, life-life, half and half.
Some nouns ending in -f or -fe only add -s, which is pronounced /s/. For example:
Bay-bay bay
Some proper nouns ending in -y are plural numbers with -s directly, such as:
Henry Henry Mary Mary Mary.
Some nouns ending with the consonant +o are plural numbers with-s. For example:
Piano-piano piano
Memo memo photo photo photo.
Solo.-Solo, Solo
Some nouns ending in the letter -o have two plural forms, and you can add -s or -es. For example:
Motto-Motto/Motto proverb
Halo-Halo/Halo Halo cargo-cargo/cargo
Nouns or vowels ending in -oo add -o and only-s. For example:
Kangaroo-Kangaroo Video-Video TV
Radio.-Radio. Radio
Only nouns ending in /s/ are pronounced in the plural form /ziz/. Like a house, a house.
2. Irregular forms of plural nouns
Nouns that follow the plural form of Old English, such as:
Jiao goose-goose goose
Niu Niu cow mouse mouse.
Woman-woman, woman.
Children.-children, children.
The plural forms of loanwords come from Latin, Greek, French and other nouns, such as:
Greek analysis-analysis analysis
Crisis-crisis phenomenon-phenomenon phenomenon
Latin benchmark data
Medium-medium medium formula-formula
French bureau-bureau/bureau; Division; place
Madame madam-mesdames; lady
3. Plural form of compound nouns
Change the main components into plural forms. For example:
Passers-by, runner-up, runner-up.
Change the last component into plural form. For example:
Breakfast.-Breakfast. Breakfast
Afternoon-afternoon, gentlemen-gentlemen
intermediary/Middle Men
Turn both components into plural (the first noun of this compound noun must be man or woman). For example:
Male doctor-male doctor male doctor female singer-female singer
4. Single and plural homographs
China people from China.
Aircraft buffalo buffalo
Giraffe giraffe
Japanese Japanese
shark shark
Series series
Bison in the barracks
Reindeer reindeer
Sheep sheep
Means mode
Headquarters command
It should be noted that the predicate verb is singular and plural depending on the number of subjects.
5. Nouns with only plural forms
Some nouns are natural plural nouns, that is, nouns with only plural forms (often referring to some words appearing in pairs with a large number or ending in -ing). For example:
Pants. Pants
Glasses. Glasses
thank you
Sweep compasses
Pants. Pants
Scissors scissors
Assets assets
Correction compensation
Newspaper clippings, things, glasses, glasses.
Tweezers, tweezers
Jeans. Jeans
Courage courage
soap bubble
survey result
6. The number of uncountable nouns
Uncountable nouns usually have no plural form, but they can represent a certain number with the help of unit words, such as:
A piece of paper, a piece of paper.
A cup of coffee, a cup of coffee.
A glass of water, a glass of water
A strand of hair, a strand of hair
A bar of soap, a bar of soap.
A glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope
A burst of laughter, one thread at a time.
Can of orange juice, can of orange juice.
A slice of bacon
A soup.
a grain of rice
A piece of chalk.
A burst of criticism
burst into thunderous applause
7. The number of collective noun
Singular collective noun, such as:
Human nature
Clothes clothes
Machines, machines, humans, humans.
Equipment equipment
Poetry luggage luggage luggage
Furniture furniture
Luggage. Luggage
Pottery pottery
Complex collective noun, such as:
Folk poultry
People people Niu Niu.
Police police
Simple and complex isomorphic collective noun (in the form of singular, but it can mean both simple and complex), such as:
Government government
trial jury
Band band
Generation after generation
Committee audience
Company company