Reference: mid = 19 & amp; Prev = 20 & Next = 18
Types of diamonds, what are diamonds? There are no two identical diamonds in the world. The composition of diamond is only carbide, but the process of becoming diamond is very complicated. Because the melting point of diamond is 6900 degrees Fahrenheit, which is more than twice the melting point of steel, it takes tens of millions of years to turn carbide into diamond to withstand the high temperature and pressure of the center of the earth. We have to wait (I don't know when) for it to experience volcanic eruption or other natural changes in the center of the earth to bring it from the center of the earth to the ground, so it is very rare. Composition of natural diamonds in the earth's structure: From a scientific point of view, natural diamonds can be divided into the following categories. First: The most common diamond contains 0.3% nitrogen. Two: This natural diamond is small (less than ~0. 1% nitrogen).
But all synthetic diamonds are like this. Other diamonds contain 500 ppm (one millionth) of nitrogen. Don't be three: it is very small on natural diamonds and contains very little nitrogen. Nitrogen may not be found by infrared and ultraviolet absorption methods. Biebie 4: This kind of spar is very rare in natural diamonds, and its nitrogen content is even less than Biebie 3. The scientific name of this kind of spar is "P-type semiconductor". Diamonds are the hardest natural minerals. The following table shows the classification: Mohs hardness scale hardness category 10 diamond 9 ruby, sapphire 8 emerald, various beryls, emeralds, spinels and topaz 7 corresponding 6 Tianhe stone, moonstone, precious opal 5 lapis lazuli, obsidian, sodalite, glass 4 malachite 3 coral and pearl 2 amber. Kimberlite e, kimberlite found in the book. There are diamonds in it that everyone wants. Kimberlite is mainly found in riverbed sediments of India, Brazil, South Africa, Russian Federation, China and Australia. The picture below shows the Kimberly rock tube diamond tube Kimberly e Kimberly e is named after the South African city of Kimberly. The true face of a diamond The surface of a diamond is not completely smooth, but there are many different triangles on the surface. Refractive index Refractive index refers to the rate at which light enters a gem from the air. If a gem is twisted at a fixed angle, it is called single refraction and two angles are called birefringence. Material light rate mps (kps) refractive index space 186
282 (299
792) 1.00 Aviation 186
232 (299
890) 1.00 water 140
06 1 (225
442) 1.33 glass 122
554 ( 197
349) 1.52 diamonds 77
056 ( 124
083)2.42 Diamond Appraisal Certificate A diamond appraisal certificate is the biggest factor to ensure that you can buy the best and flattest diamond. Because the diamond appraisal certificate records all the information about the diamond you want to buy, such as diamond lathe worker, diamond weight, diamond clarity, diamond color and so on. The following are the four most famous gemological societies in the world: g. I. a .- American Gemological Society-American Gemological Society a. g. s .- American Gemological Society e. g. l .- European Gemological Laboratory-European Gemological Association I. g. I .- International Gemological Society-International Gemological Association. It should be noted that the diamond standards assessed by different associations are different, from a mixed one. Batch price is the discount price paid for the whole package or part of the mixed package. Semi-transparent slip paper wrapped in diamond paper. The color of glossy paper will affect the color of wrapped diamonds. Light blue glossy paper has a bonus effect on colorless and nearly colorless diamonds, but it will make the color of light yellow diamonds more obvious. Non-white or light yellow glossy paper will make yellow or brown diamonds more beautiful. Rough diamond refers to the grindable diamond or industrial diamond that has not been manually processed after being mined in the mining area. The diamond screen sleeve is used to screen small round gems. It is a metal disk sleeve with round holes with the same diameter. In French, diamond experts are successful people with rich knowledge and experience in the diamond industry, usually wholesalers or cutters. Wrap a whole package of diamonds of similar size and quality, and mix them for sale or storage. The angle between the bottom main plane and the waistline plane. Percent of Bottom Depth The distance from the waist plane to the sharp bottom is expressed as a percentage of the average waist diameter. The thickness of the girdle expressed as a percentage of the average girdle diameter. The first diamond was found in 1869 in the world diamond mine and South Africa. Republic of Congo (Zaire) Africa Congo accounts for 20% of the world's diamond production. Botswana Africa Pozana 2010-12-19 20: 40: 56 Supplement: The number of people is limited.
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