Elizabeth succeeded in maintaining the unity of England at the beginning of her reign. After nearly half a century of rule, Britain has become one of the most powerful countries in Europe. English culture also reached a peak in this period.
William shakespeare, Francis Bacon and other famous figures appeared. British colonies in North America also began to be established during this period. The reign of Elizabeth I was called the "golden age" in British history.
During the reign of Elizabeth I, many navigators appeared, including Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh and Humphrey Gilbert, which promoted the development of British navigation. Britain became stronger and stronger, and established colonies in North America.
However, the religious compatibility policy she adopted did not completely solve the problem of religious conflicts, which led to the continuous Puritanism movement and social unrest in the later period of the Queen's rule.
Elizabeth I is cautious, and her motto is "I observe, I am silent". She likes to invest in expensive clothes and jewels. She often goes to the countryside by horse instead of carriage.