Miscellaneous Notes on the Dwarf when the Dragon King meets a frog [Note: the author's name is missing (that is, the author's name is unknown). Pretend to entrust Su Shi. The Dragon King met a frog, Yu Haibin. After asking, the frog asked the dragon king, "What is the king's residence?" Wang Yue said, "North Que is here, easy (pronounced Hui). The way it flies. ) Fei Xuan (Meiyu. The front end of the eaves. )。 "Long Fu asked," Where do you live? " The frog said, "Moss and green grass, clear spring and white stone." He asked again, "How is Wang's mood?" The dragon said, "If I am happy, I will be blessed, and the grain will be plentiful.". The crops are ripe. ); Anger is preceded by storms, followed by stormy waves, followed by flying electricity, leaving no grass for thousands of miles. " The dragon asked the frog, "What are your joys and sorrows?" Yue: "My music is the breeze and the bright moon, and it is full of propaganda (music name). ); Anger is hard first, followed by bloating. As for bloating, rest. " The dragon king met a frog by the lake. After greeting each other, the frog asked the Dragon King, "Dragon King, how are you?" The Dragon King said, "The palace is made of jewels and shells, and the eaves are covered with jade rafters." The dragon king asked again, "What's your residence like?" The frog said, "Moss and green grass, clear spring and white stone." (Frog) asked again, "Dragon King, what will your mood be like?" The dragon king said, "When I am happy, I will have nectar from heaven, so that the grain will be harvested." When you are angry, there will be strong winds first, then thunder, and then lightning, which will make Fiona Fang have nothing for thousands of miles. "The dragon king asked the frog," What will your mood be like? " (Frog) said: "When I am happy, there will be a cool breeze and a bright moon, and I will play music;" "When you are angry, you will burst out of your eyes first, and then your stomach will swell up, and it will be over if it swells to the extreme." Feeling: The Dragon King not only spends a lot of resources to pamper himself, but also decides the fate of Qianli Forest in Fiona Fang, Fiona Fang because of his emotions. Frogs live in the natural environment, and their emotions are just their inner feelings and venting. I hope that one day every individual, group and collective in the world will be like a frog without a dragon king. Ha ha! If you want to compare the dragon king and frog with current events, there is a cartoon comparison: America and Iraq, totalitarianism and people, A-bian and Li Ao. ...