Necklace: natural pity brooch, Zuaman Ekir Song.
Shoulder: Miracle shawl, Queen oris/Saloras, Sun Well Highland High-level warlock, T6.5
Breastplate: a robe with eternal light, made by a tailor; Magic robe, Muru in Sunwell Highland, T6.5
Wrist: Sunshine Villa T6
Gloves: hand guard at dawn, Kilgardan falls from the sun well highland, T6.5
Belt: Sunwell Highland T6
Leggings: Prevent breeches from falling in the Sun Well Heights of Kalecgos, T6.5
Shoes: Sunshine Highland T6
Ring: Ring of Harmony *2 Sunwell Highland Monster falls randomly; (If you can't buy it, you can buy a surging life ring, which is made of jewelry.)
Jewelry: the memory of Tyrande, Illidan, the temple of darkness, falling; Enthusiastic meditation earrings, snake temple fish Tesla falls.
Weapons: Sindore's golden scepter, Kilgadan fell from the Sunwell Heights; The hammer of the holy spirit is accompanied by a layer of fairy hymns. The former Kilgardan fell from the Sunwell Heights, and the latter fell from the Sunwell Heights senior warlock orace/Queen Saloras.
Wand: a wand to purify the light. The troll fell from the sun well.
For slots like this, red is 12, yellow is 5, smart is 6, and blue is 10. High spirit = high blue+high intensity.
Price? There is no guide price. This set of processing equipment was taken at the reserve price. Earrings, golden staff and Tyrande's memory may be more expensive.