All officials and civil servants will come to the temple to cry, as long as they cry fifteen times. After the burial, he took off his mourning clothes; Those soldiers stationed in various places should not leave their posts; Officials should keep their duties. Put on the clothes you wore when you went to the alkali station, and bury them on the hill to the west of Yecheng, near the ancestral temple in Ximen Bao. Don't bury them with treasures. My maids, concubines and artists from Caballe are all hardworking, so I put them at the Bronze Sparrow Desk, which is very kind to them. Put a six-foot-long bed on the main hall of Tongquetai and hang the spiritual curtain.
Every morning and evening, there are sacrifices such as dried meat and dried rice. On the first and fifteenth day of each month, people dance to Zhang Ling from morning till noon. You always go to Tongquetai to visit my graveyard in Xiling. The incense I left can be distributed to the ladies, so don't sacrifice it with incense. Everyone in the room has nothing to do, so they can learn to knit ribbons and wash shoes to sell. I put all the ribbons I got in my life as an official in the library. My clothes and fur can be put in another warehouse. If not, your brothers will share them.
Original text:
Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao's Legacy to Cao Cao
"I didn't sleep (wake up) at night, and it's not good; Drink porridge and sweat tomorrow, and take angelica soup. I am in the army, and it is true to uphold the law. As for small anger and big negligence, it is ineffective.
The world has not yet been decided, and it has not followed the ancient times. I have a headache, so I wear a headscarf first. After I die, I will keep my big clothes as much as possible. I won't keep them. When an official is in the temple, there will be fifteen times (to pay tribute); After burial, it must be removed; Garrison shall not leave the chariot department; There is a division, and each rate is the location.
He was buried in Xigang, Ye Zhi, near Ximen Bao Temple, and there was nothing to hide. My ladies-in-waiting, concubines and geisha are all diligent, and they are also very good to the Bronze Quetai. On the platform, a six-foot bed is set up, an ear tent is placed under the bed, and pickled food (grain) is set up in front of the bed. On the fifteenth day of every month, from morning till noon, you need to make music in your account. You always climb the bronze sparrow terrace and see the tomb of Xiling.
The remaining fragrance can be shared with the ladies, not sacrificed. If you do nothing at home, you can learn to sell shoes in groups. All the money I get from my official career belongs to me. Don't hide the rest of my clothes and one person's clothes. If not, your brother can share it. "
Extended information article introduction:
In June of the 23rd year of Jian 'an in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 2 18), Cao Cao issued the final order: (According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu and Wu Di Ji) Cao Cao's legacy was Cao Cao's will. In the twenty-fifth year of Jian 'an, Cao Cao led his army back to Luoyang from Hanzhong, and died on the 23rd of the same month. This legacy is mainly about Cao Cao's arrangements for his own affairs before his death.
Role background:
Cao Cao (155- 15, March, 220), whose real name was Geely, posthumous title Mengde, aunt of posthumous title, was the secretariat of Yuzhou (now Bozhou, Anhui)? . At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was an outstanding politician, strategist, writer and calligrapher, and the founder of Cao Wei regime.
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos. In the name of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao conquered all directions, wiped out the separatist forces such as Er Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu Biao, Ma Chao and Han Sui at home, surrendered to Xiongnu, Wuhuan and Xianbei in the south, unified northern China, and implemented a series of policies to restore economic production and social order, expand reclamation, build water conservancy projects, reward farmers and mulberry, attach importance to handicrafts, resettle refugees and implement ".
In the 18th year of Jian 'an (2 13), Cao Cao was named Wang Wei, established the State of Wei, made its capital in Yecheng, Hebei Province, and was later promoted to Wang Wei. After his death, his son, Cao Pi, proclaimed himself emperor, and respected Cao Cao as Emperor Wu, whose temple name was Mao.