const int unit car = 10; //Declare three constants
const int unittruck = 25
const int unit bus = 15;
Class Free // define classfree.
Int car, cafe//define six class member integer variables.
International truck transportation fee;
int bus,busfee
The Free() // constructor (with the same name as the class) initializes the related variables.
car = car fee = truck = truck fee = bus = bus fee = 0;
Void cars() // defines a class public member function, the same below.
carfee+= unit car;
Invalid truck ()
truck fee+= unit truck;
Invalid bus ()
bus fee+= unit bus;
Invalid process ()
int no,n = 0;
Cout & lt& lt" 1: bus 2: truck 3: bus 0: exit "< & ltendl// output (similar to printf)
while ( 1)
cout & lt& lt" " " & lt& lt++ n & lt; & lt"- Model: ";
CIN & gt; & gt No; //input
Switch (No)
Case 0: broken;
Case1:cars (); Break;
Case 2: truck (); Break;
Case 3: Bath (); Break;
Default value: cout & lt& lt "Wrong vehicle type input!" & lt& ltendl
if(no = = 0)break;
Empty display ()
Cout & lt& lt "The cost statistics are as follows:"
Cout & lt& lt "Bus:" << Car<& lt "Subtotal of vehicle expenses:" < & ltcarfee & lt& ltendl.
Cout & lt& lt "Truck:"
cout & lt& lt" Bus:" < & lt; Bus<& lt "Subtotal of vehicle expenses:" < & ltbusfee & lt& ltendl.
Cout & lt& lt "Total cost:"
void main()
Free obj// Define object obj
obj . process(); //Call the public function of the obj object
obj . display();