Song Wu went in and sat down, leaning against the sentry and calling, "Master, come and have a drink." I saw the shopkeeper put three bowls, a pair of chopsticks and a plate of hot food in front of Song Wu and sifted a bowl of wine. Song Wu picked up the bowl, gulped it down and shouted, "This wine will produce power! Host family, buy some wine when you are full. " The restaurant said, "Only cooked beef." Song Wu said, "Ok, cut two or three pounds to eat wine."
Cut out two Jin of cooked beef in the shop and make a big plate, which will be in front of Song Wu in the future; Then sieve a bowl of wine. Song Wu took a bite: "Good wine!" Sift another bowl.
I just ate three bowls of wine and never sifted it again. Song Wu knocked on the table and shouted, "Master, why don't you come to screen the wine?" The restaurant said, "Guest, bring meat if you want." Song Wu said, "I want wine, too, and I want to cut some meat." The restaurant said, "The meat will be cut, and the guest officer will be added, but no wine will be added." Song Wu said: "But this is a disaster!" He asked his host, "Why don't you sell me wine?" The restaurant said, "guest officer, you must see the flag in front of my door, which clearly says' three bowls are not enough'." Song Wu said: "Why is it called' three bowls can't cross the mountain'?" The restaurant said: "Although our wine is a village wine, it is better than the old wine;" All the guests who come to our store to eat three bowls are drunk and can't cross the mountain in front: that's why it's called' three bowls can't cross the mountain'. The past guests came and only ate three bowls, so they wouldn't ask again. " Song Wuxiao said, "So this is a good place; I have eaten three bowls, how can I not get drunk? " The restaurant said: "My wine is called' wearing a bottle'; It is also called' going out': it is mellow and delicious when you first enter, and it will fall if you are less. " Song Wu said, "Don't talk nonsense! I won't pay you back if I have no land! Sift three more bowls for me! "
The restaurant saw that Song Wu did not move at all, and screened three more bowls. Song Wu said, "Good wine! Master, I'll give you a bowl of wine when you're finished, and then sieve it out. " The restaurant said, "Sir, don't just drink. This will be intoxicating, and there is no medicine! " Song Wu said, "Don't talk nonsense! Even if you put antiperspirant in it, I have a nose! "
The shopkeeper was right, but he sifted three bowls in a row. Song Wu said, "Let's eat another two Jin of meat." The restaurant cut two Jin of cooked beef and screened three bowls of wine.
Song Wu has a slippery mouth and just wants to eat; He stepped aside and took out some broken silver, shouting, "Master, come and see my silver! Is it enough to give you wine and meat? " The restaurant looked at it and said, "I have more than enough, and I have some money for you." Song Wu said: "I don't want you to post money, just screen the wine." The restaurant said, "sir, when you want to eat wine, there are still five or six bowls of wine!" I'm afraid you can't eat it. " Song Wu said, "There have been only five or six bowls for a long time. You have to screen out the future. " The restaurant said, "You are a wordy person, or you are drunk, how can I help you live!" Song Wu replied: "The person who wants your help is not a hero!"
The restaurant is willing to sift wine. Song Wu was in a hurry and said, "I don't eat for nothing! Don't drink your master's hair, I'll teach you to smash it in the house! Turn your fucking shop upside down! " The restaurant said, "This guy is drunk, don't mess with him." I sifted six bowls of wine and ate it with Song Wu. * * * ate eighteen bowls before and after, grabbed the whistle stick, stood up and said, "I'm not drunk!" " "Out of the door, he smiled and said," but he didn't say' three bowls are not enough! "Go with a whistle stick.
The restaurant rushed out and shouted, "where are you going, guest officer?" Song Wu paused and asked, "What do you want me to do? I gave you a lot of money to buy wine. Why did you call me? " The restaurant shouted: "I mean well; Come back to my house to see the list of white lawsuits. " Song Wu asked, "What announcement?" The restaurant said, "Now there is a big white frontworm hanging in front of Jingyanggang. Come out late and hurt people, killing 30 or 20 big men. The lawsuit is now limited to Orion. There is a list at Gangzi intersection; At three o'clock in the afternoon, guests can be taught to work as a team; The rest of you are not allowed to cross the border for six hours. If you are a single guest, you must wait for the other person to pass by. Just before the application ended. I saw you leave without asking anyone. You wasted your life. Why not stop here and gather another 30 or 20 people tomorrow? It's better than Gangzi. "
Hearing this, Song Wuxiao said, "I am a native of qing he. I have been to this Jingyang Mountain for at least ten or twenty times. As soon as you hear that there is a big bug, don't scare me with such nonsense! -There are big bugs, I am not afraid! " The restaurant said, "I want to save you. If you don't believe me, come in and look at the list of lawsuits. " Song Wu said, "Be quiet! Then there is a tiger, and the owner is not afraid! Why don't you leave me at home to rest? You want to make money for me, you want to kill me, but you scare me? " The restaurant said, "Look! I am kind, but I am malicious, and I ended up in your place! When you don't believe me, please help yourself! " As he spoke, he shook his head and walked into the shop.
Song Wu raised his whistle stick and strode across Jingyanggang. After about four or five miles, I came to the foot of the post and saw a big tree with two lines written on it. Song Wu also knows some words. He looked up and read: "Recently, there was a big bug in Jingyanggang, but some merchants in the past could team up at 3 pm. Please don't make mistakes. "
Song Wuxiao said, "This is the cunning of the restaurant. It frightened the guests and went to the guy's house for the night. What bird am I afraid of! " Drag the sentry across and come to the post.